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Baker Team on Huntington

The Northern Cascades’ Mt Baker trips we had scheduled for June were postponed because of the coronavirus. They are now scheduled to run in 2021. In the meantime, however, the team is staying in shape and working on their friendships. As part of this training/bonding effort, the team just took on the infamous Huntington Ravine. In lead for this hike were Redline Guides Ken Hodges and […]

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Become LNT Aware

The problems with litter have been particularly bad this year for some reason. Local rumor has it drunk day-trippers are leaving behind a bad impression right along with their garbage — refuse ranging from feces to painted bricks. It’s unacceptable. To anyone who hikes or appreciates the forests and mountains, not leaving it a mess is a no-brainer. No littering is obvious. One should leave no […]

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Taking on Jackson

With Mt Pierce under her belt, it was time for more. Unlike Pierce, however, this 4000-footer is a little tougher in terms of its footing and general level of challenge. Mt Jackson, which is pretty typical for what to expect up here when hiking the White Mountains, has been criticized before for the level of erosion on the trail. But it’s a common problem because our […]

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New Hampshire Thru-Hike

When we mentioned the inquiring guest wanted a companion on a hike following the Appalachian Trail (AT) through the White Mountains of New Hampshire, Redline Guide Arlette Laan asked curiously if she had any experience. We replied: “She’s hiking to the Glencliff trailhead from Hanover during the four days leading up to the backpack, so yes!” Arlette was suitably impressed. We knew right then that this […]

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Her First Big Mountain

Our guest came to us by way of a referral. Her hope was to hire one of our guides to lead her and her daughter up the 6288-foot, notoriously weather slammed, Mt Washington — the biggest and baddest of the 4000-footers. In fact, it’s the tallest and most prominent mountain in the Northeast. Assigned to lead was our newest Redline Guide Nico Dubois. And based on […]

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Trails Day Success

We know the best way to give back is to roll up your sleeves and actually do it. Thanks to all so-willing. Our Third Annual Trails Day was a success, though not without its challenges. Covid-19, for example, forced a significant delay. Time was needed for people to learn how to deal with this thing. Finally, though, with safety pushed way out in front, we got […]

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Dressed Up Hikers

The bride fell in love with the groom, and we mean that in the most literal sense possible. You see, she fell about 30′ off of a cliff doing some damage to herself in the process. Her body eventually mended but it was clear that there were going to long term effects from the fall. A progressive thing that would be with her forever. Provided they […]

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Galehead in the Books

A many time returning guest wanted to hike Galehead Mountain — a New Hampshire 4000-footer — as part of her quest to complete this list. The guest, being a frequent flyer with us, so to speak, has been given the opportunity to be guided by many of our guides over the years. In fact, we jokingly told her we are letting her test drive the whole […]

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Better Late

Seems like we were just on Mt Pierce the other day. Presenting someone with their first 4000-footer in the rain. We were at it again. Different day this time, different weather, and different people on top of the mountain, but another first 4000-footer happened. At least an up-and-back one that could be counted, anyway. You see, one of our guest’s last 4000-footer was Mt Washington in […]

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Tougher at Ten

Fathers and mothers take note: spending time hiking with your son or daughter is a safe, effective, fun, and totally healthy and rewarding way to tighten that bond. We are seeing a lot of it this year, that’s for sure. People are looking for a fairly low risk activity — meaning a low chance of contracting Covid-19 as much so as preserving life and limb — […]

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Rain, Rain, Go… Well, Okay

We’re an all-weather crowd, willing to pretty much hike in anything. And that’s good because while the lower elevations saw clouds slowly and eventually being vaporized by the sun, the higher elevations saw pretty much steady rain for most of the day. And this was the case for a hike up Mt Pierce (4310′) — a NH 4000-footer — led by Redline Guide Ken Hodges. So […]

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Trial by Fire

We knew this trip was going to be a unique one when we were contacted by someone with the title of “Elite Lifestyle Manager” looking for assistance setting up an adventure for his client: a New York business man with his teenage son. And it was, from the level of detail to the execution, it certainly offered some variety. It began with a handful of teleconferenced […]

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