Copyright Statement
The content of this website, including design elements, photographs, illustrations, videos, text, virtual content (see Policies), and other media belongs to its respective owners and copyright is assumed. Any and all original content is protect by our own copyright protection. Copyright © 2016-2025, Redline Guiding LLC. All rights reserved. This exempts the use of short passages and the like used in, as example, critical reviews.
Accessibility Statement
In another life, at another time, Mike Cherim, this site’s maker used to be well known for his ability to make accessible websites via his old site, In fact, Mike is credited for making one of only two websites worldwide that qualified as being “AAA” rated accessible under the Web Content Accessibility Guideline, WCAG 2.0. In some circles this is huge. That was then. Mike now says:
Back in the day I would have created my own WordPress theme — been there, done that — and made my own plugins (done that, too). I would have even delved into the WordPress core and completely committed myself to try to harden or keep things up-to-date. A huge task. I didn’t want to go that route this time, and for practical, financial, and scheduling reasons simply couldn’t. Nor could I afford to hire one of my old web dev chums. I would love to say I tried to make sure this site is as accessible as possible to as many people as possible, but I can’t. Because I didn’t. I realize it falls short of what is considered a truly accessible site in many ways, even underlined links and better contrast would be a good start, I admit. That said, any shortcomings can be dealt with simply by contacting us or, better yet, just call me at 603-617-8788 and I will personally help make the inaccessible accessible. — Mike
Last updated: April 9th, 2020