October 24th added at least three more couples to the roster of those who count themselves among the married folk. One of those three couples was seen on the way to one of our weddings. Purely coincidental — we just had to mention it. The other two weddings we officiated. Or, rather, our Justice of the Peace (JP), Mike Cherim did. Here are a few details…
Down South First: Congratulations Dharin & Chelsea
The first wedding was located in Alton at a private residence with a great view of Lake Winnipesaukee. It was very brief as there was no ceremony, per se. Mike handled the legal side of it and that was it. A family member was going to unofficially officiate in a few hours. You see, in New Hampshire, a JP only really needs four criteria to be met: 1) The couple identifies themselves… check; 2) they have a valid NH marriage license… check; 3) they pay for the service (as per JP rules, the service cannot be given away; a five dollar minimum fee must be paid)… check; and 4) they need to convince the JP that they want it to happen… also check. Mike tells them showing up with your partner in a headlock sends up a red flag. The couples always chuckle about this, but Mike is being serious, albeit in a fun way.
So Mike showed up as preparations were underway, people were busy doing this and that. Everyone was still very casually dressed. He collected the signed license and got the final payment. IDs had been checked at their “pre-meet” so the only thing left was to ask them if they wanted to do this thing. He asked her first: “Do you want to marry this guy?” She replied, “Yes.” Then he asked the groom: “Do you want to marry this girl?” He replied, “Yes.” It’s all good then. That totally works for us. Good luck guys, and we hope you enjoy your celebration. There are no photos of the event, in this case. In hindsight, a photo of the view would have been nice, and allowable.
Then Up North: Congratulations Bryan & Brittany
The second service was up in Bethlehem, very close to Littleton, at the Adair Country Inn. It’s the second time we have performed services there. It’s very close to the highway and very easy to get to, yet it doesn’t feel that way. It feels like it’s out there a ways. This service was much more standard, but beautiful nonetheless. The service and vows were written completely by the couple, with Mike ad-libbing as he felt necessary — i.e. please rise, be seated, etc. — and the whole service was very beautiful and heartfelt. With permission given, here are a few photos.


A nice scene.

The couple exiting the church.

The groom kissing his bride.

Super looking couple. Love his green, wool suit and her long silken gown. Stunning.
To both couples, we offer you our most sincere congratulations and we thank you for choosing Redline Guiding.