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Our Guides

Introducing the Awesome 20-Strong Team of Redline Guides:

To stay up-to-date with their latest and greatest exploits — some of which can be mind-blowing — be sure to check out the Guides and Trips categories on our Blog and of course follow the hashtags #redlineguides and #redlineguiding on various hashtag-supporting social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. — Last updated: October 16th, 2024

Mike Cherim, Guide/Instructor/JP/Owner - Click to Open Profile

Mike’s a man on a mission, from guiding guests to volunteering for search and rescue (SAR).

Mike, wearing his JP hat. If you want to marry in the forest or on a mountain, this is your guy.

Introduction: Mike, a.k.a. NH Tramper, lives in North Conway, NH, and began his hiking career at four-years-old on Mt Washington (Tuckerman Ravine Trail to the summit). He has since hiked the 48 4000-footers of New Hampshire several times (winter list, too), finished the New England 67, the 52-With-A-View list, the Terrifying 25 list, the RMC-100, and most recently completed the Belknap Range. Mike has also completed 100-percent of “tracing” — hiking all of the trails — the entire 29th edition of the AMC’s White Mountain Guide. Mike has also hiked and climbed in several mountains/ranges outside of New Hampshire (see Résumé below). He is also into other outdoor pursuits such as skiing, backpacking, canoeing, snowshoeing, fishing, and more. Mike has been guiding professionally in the Mt Washington Valley since 2013 and loving each and every day.

Résumé: Mike hiked and guided Mt Washington – 93 summits (over half in winter) out of 113 attempts, completed the NE67 list, hiked all of the 4000-footers in NH several times (winter list, too), “traced” the 29th edition of the White Mountain Guide, Long Trail Thru Hiker in 2015 (northbound/NoBo), Wasatch Range (Utah), Grand Canyon (Ariz.) multiple times, Dolomites (Italy), Minami Alps, to include Mt Hotakadake and several others, and Mt. Fuji (Japan), Yosemite (Calif.), Mt. Rainier (Wash.) – 2 ascents/summits (Mike guided), Mt. Shuksan (Wash. Northern Cascades) (Mike guided), Mt. Hood (Oregon) – 2 ascents/summits (Mike guided), Lassen Peak (Calif.), Pike’s Peak (Colo.).

Certifications: SOLO Wilderness First Responder (WFR), AHA CPR/AED, AMC Avalanche Level 1 (Avy 1), AMC Class 1 Leader, USFS Trail Adopter, Androscoggin Valley Search And Rescue (AVSAR) – “Winter Above Treeline Team,” Shakedown Committee, and past-member of the Board of Directors (VP), Leave No Trace (LNT) Awareness Trainer, USFS Axe Trained, BSA Youth Protection Trained (YPT), and a Justice of the Peace in the State of New Hampshire (his commission expires June 2nd, 2026).

Words from HQ: Mike is the founding owner of the company. Inasmuch, in reality, he is HQ and thus the opinions below are actually his. As you’ll read, Mike is wow’d by his own team.

Ken Hodges, Guide/Instructor/Advisor - Click to Open Profile

Ken leading a group to Eagle Cliff.

Introduction: Ken, of Conway, NH, began hiking with the Boy Scouts, summitting Mt.Washington at age twelve. He has since hiked the New Hampshire 48 4000-footers a few times, the 52-With-A-View, the Terrifying 25, the New England 67, the New England Hundred Highest, even the New England 115, as well as the Adirondack’s 46 4000-footers. He has hiked and backpacked throughout the US and internationally (see Résumé below). Ken also enjoys off trail bushwhacking. During the early 1980s he worked as a forester throughout the Northeast and now donates his time as a land steward for the Society for the Protection of NH Forests (SPNHF). Ken has been organizing and leading Meetup hikes for several years. When not hiking he enjoys cycling (both road and mountain), fishing, kayaking, cross-country skiing, and a good craft beer.

Résumé: Hiked the NH 4000-footers several times in all seasons. NE67 and the NEHH. Climbed Mt Pico in Portugal, Mt. Whitney in Calif, twice, Mt. Rainier, also twice, Mt. Baker, and Mt. Adams in Washington, as well as an extended backpack up through Rainy Pass, Sisters Wilderness in Oregon (including South Sister), Mount St Helens, Wind River Range in Wyoming, a Deep Canyon Classic hike in the Grand Canyon, and Mt. Washburn in Yellowstone as well as many hikes in major National Parks. Internationally Ken has trekked the Haute Route in the Swiss Alps, the GR 20 in Corsica, the Northern Alps Kamikohchi in Japan, and the Inca and Santa Cruz Trails in Peru. Additionally, he has climbed above 19,000 feet on several glaciated peaks including Mt. Pisco in Peru and Mts. Chimbarazo and Cayumbe in Ecuador.

Certifications: SOLO Wilderness First Responder (WFR), AHA CPR/AED, AIARE Avalanche Level 1 (Avy 1), AIARE Avalanche Rescue, Leave No Trace (LNT) Awareness, BSA Youth Protection Trained (YPT), USFS Axe Trained, and Volunteer Conservation Easement Monitor for the SPNHF.

Words from HQ: Ken has been with us since near the beginning and has time and time again shown us what a professional he is. Ken’s a credit to both himself and to Redline Guiding.

Pat Ferland, Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

Pat loves guiding and has been at it a while.

Introduction: Originally from Woodstock, CT, Pat grow up hiking and climbing in the White Mountains while visiting with his family on vacation. He began learning how to rock climb when he was 13, and ice climb when he was 15, and soon began making trips up with his father to rock and ice climb all across the Mount Washington Valley. He has been guiding with the International Mountain Climbing School (IMCS) since moving up to NH in 2005 reaching over 100 summits on a winter Mt Washington while guiding. He has also hiked extensively outside of the White Mountains, spending time in the Santa Teresa mountain range in southern Arizona, backpacking, mountaineering, and sea kayaking through the Chilean Patagonia ice caps for several months, and hiking and exploring the woods and mountains of Maine, including Mount Katahdin’s Knife Edge ridge. His first 4000-footer was an ascent of Cannon Mountain via the High Cannon trail in ’91, and over the next few years, he reached the rest of the AMC huts, as well as many of the other 4000 footers. When not guiding, hiking, rock or ice climbing, Pat enjoys mountain biking, road biking, split boarding or paddle boarding.

Résumé: Pat has guided 92 successful winter Mount Washington summits out of 140 attempts (and counting), along with multiple five-night mountaineering courses and three-day winter Presidential range traverses. He started guiding in Summer 1999 for the Stone Age Rock Gym in Manchester, CT, leading rock climbing daytrips around Connecticut, and has been guiding in North Conway since 2005 for IMCS. He has also completed the first ascents of peak 2222 and peak 2223 in Chile, and summited Longs Peak in CO via the Diamond Casual Route. Pat has been working on completing the 4000 footers of NH.

Certifications: SOLO Wilderness First Responder (WFR), plus CPR/AED, AIARE Avalanche Level 2 (Avy 2), Leave No Trace (LNT) Master Trainer, PCGI Lead Rock Guide and Rescue Course Completed (Taking Exam Fall 2020), AMGA Alpine Level 1 Completed, AASI Level 1 Snowboard Instructor, Registered Maine Guide (as of 10/2023), Eagle Scout, Winter Above Treeline member of Androscoggin Valley Search And Rescue (AVSAR), BSA Youth Protection Trained (YPT).

Words from HQ: Pat’s our most experienced team member with nearly two decades of professional guiding under his belt. Capable, kind, skilled, and patient, Pat is part of Redline Guiding’s core team.

Arlette Laan, Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

Arlette in her happy place.

Introduction: Arlette, trail name Apple Pie, grew up in the Netherlands and currently lives in Lowell, MA. She began hiking when she was eighteen on vacation in Switzerland. She has since hiked many of the long distance trails in the U.S. and traveled and hiked abroad. She’s completed the 48 4000-footers of New Hampshire (in winter, too), finished the New England 67, and has most recently completed the NE 100 highest list. The last few years she’s started to redline the trails in the White Mountains and is currently about three-quarters done. She loves hiking, biking, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, but most of all long distance backpacking. Arlette is also a Gossamer Gear Ambassador, as of June 2017.

Résumé: Arlette has completed the John Muir Trail (2002), the Pacific Crest Trail (2003), the Continental Divide Trail, (2004), the Appalachian Trail (2005), the Arizona Trail (some in 2009, then the rest in 2023), The Grand Enchantment Trail (2012), The Te Araroa in New Zealand (2015), The Long Trail (2015), the Florida Trail (2017 and again in 2024), the Hayduke Trail (2017), the Colorado Trail (2017), Benton-MacKay Trail (2018), Pinhoti Trail (2018), Cohos Trail (2018), the New England Trail (2018), and all of the Pacific Northwest Trail in sections (2007, 2012, and in 2019). In 2014 she completed all 48 4000-footers in an 11 day unsupported backpacking trip called the White Mountain challenge or Direttissima. She did this again in 2019 in a fraction over nine days (and this earned Arlette the number one female FKT of the Year spot for 2019). Add to this the Potomac Heritage Trail (2020) and the enormous North Country Trail (2021-2022). It doesn’t end there, in 2022 she also completed the Natchez Trace. Leaving only the Ice Age Trail in Wisconsin… and you’ll never guess. Yep, she has finished that trail too so let it be known that as of 2022, Arlette is the first woman to hike all 11 of the National Scenic Trails in the United States and has since that time, added the Ouachita Trail (2022). She has also completed the 48 in winter. She was a volunteer backcountry ranger in the High Uintas Wilderness in Utah (2006). She has travelled and hiked independently in Switzerland, Nepal (Annapurna Circuit and Langtang 2005, Three Passes Trek, Everest region 2010), Japan (Mt Yari Ga Take), Patagonia, Nicaragua and Jordan. She has backpacked in the Netherlands once. She’s led beginner backpacking trips and introduced her mother to backpacking when she was 66. She loves teaching others how to be confident in the outdoors.

Certifications: SOLO Wilderness First Responder (WFR), AHA CPR/AED, Lifeguarding w/ CPR/AED for Pro Rescue and First Aid, Leave No Trace (LNT) Awareness.

Words from HQ: Arlette is a literal superstar having accomplished more than several team members combined. She’s been part of the Redline Guiding team from the start and just loves to share what she knows.

Mike Maciel, Guide/Instructor/Photographer - Click to Open Profile

Jackson’s the dog. Redline Guide Mike Maciel’s the man behind the dog.

Introduction: Mike grew up in the beautiful Lakes Region and currently lives in Lincoln NH with his favorite person, Katie B, and their dog Jackson (pictured). With the exception of a few random hikes he mostly stuck to traditional sports and played baseball, basketball, and soccer throughout his childhood and high school. He made it into the woods a little more often while attending Keene State College and climbed Mt. Monadnock on several occasions, but did not truly fall in love with hiking until he found himself atop Franconia Ridge on a perfect fall day in his early 30s. He loves the mountains for the adventure, scenery, sense of accomplishment, exercise, snacks, and camaraderie. He continues to play organized sports recreationally, and can often be found hiking in old basketball jerseys. In the spring of 2019 Mike resigned from his job of 17 years in corporate insurance to pursue things that were more meaningful to him, such as writing and spending more time outdoors. Simply put, the mountains make him feel alive and he enjoys sharing that experience with others while helping people accomplish their goals. His favorite part of being a guide is seeing someone successfully achieve things they weren’t sure they could.

Résumé: Mike has completed the NH48, Winter NH48 (single season), NE67, NH 52WAV, Terrifying 25 (including all optional trails), Belknap Range Peaks, the Ossipee 10, and Castle in the Clouds/LRCT Redline. He has backpacked the Presidential Traverse, Pemi Loop, Massachusetts Mid-state trail, Monadnock Sunapee Greenway, and some sections of the AT. He has completed single day hikes of the Presi Traverse, Pemi Loop, Cats/Carters/Moriah Traverse, Belknap Traverse, and Taconic Crest Traverse. He gets off trail from time to time to explore the spicy stuff and has enjoyed hitting Arrow Slide, Dogleg Slide, Adams Slide, Passaconaway Slide, Whitewall Slide, and the Watcher.
Not one to rush or be overly focused on lists, he is slowly picking away at some longer term goals of completing the ADK46 and the Northeast Ultra 8. Mike and Katie enjoy reading, cooking, photography, stalking sunrises/sunsets, and traveling both inside and outside the country. He has hiked in Ireland, Iceland, Norway, Alaska, Arizona, Utah, Virginia, North Carolina, and Washington.

Certifications: SOLO Wilderness First Responder (WFR), CPR/AED, LNT Awareness Trainer, AIARE Avalanche Rescue, AIARE Avalanche Level 1 (Avy 1), Volunteer SAR for the Lakes Region SAR (Three-season and Winter teams). AMC Mountain Leadership School, Graduate, BSA Youth Protection Trained (YPT). Coming soon: Advanced Leave No Trace Master training.

Words from HQ: Mike M began with us seeking an opportunity, a chance, and he had a desire to learn. He’s embraced it all, learning, growing, and becoming quite the professional during his time with us.

Will Murphy, Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

Primed and ready to share his passion.

Introduction: Will, of Whitefield, NH, grew up hiking and generally being outdoors at an early age. His first substantial hike was done at the age of eight, completing the fifty-mile Connecticut segment of the Appalachian Trail with his family. Other “early age” hikes followed including after graduating 8th grade, completing a 26 mile hike solo in two days. Will has regarded a healthy outlook and active, daily participation in life as vital to taking on new challenges and being “ready.” To that end, he has run regularly for many years and maintains a regular fitness schedule. Will has participated in Spartan Beast races since 2013, several running races (5k to Half-Marathon) and impromptu trail runs. When not doing these things, Will can be found backcountry skiing, ice climbing or rock climbing, or enjoying espresso!

Résumé: Will began Mountaineering activities in 1995 while on assignment in California. A visit to Yosemite and Mt Shasta invited a desire for higher summits and unique and beautiful landscapes. Yosemite Rim hike, Half Dome and other experiences in the area. Four trips to Mt Shasta (14,160′) with two successful summit from the Hotlum-Bolam route. One trip to Mt Whitney (14495′) with a successful summit on the standard route. Three trips to Mt Rainier (14,410′) on the Disappointment Clever route with one successful summit. Ascent of Mt Adams (12,276′ in Washington) in one day. Several successful Canadian Rockies summits: Athabasca (11453′) on Standard route; Andromeda (11318′) on Skyladder route; Haddo Peak (10073′) on Aberdeen Glacier/Southwest Ridge route; and Stanley Peak (10351′) on the Stanley Couloir. Also, Will has hiked all 48 4000-footers in New Hampshire, has 25+ years experience backcountry skiing in VT, NH and NY, and he extensively rock and ice climbed in NH.

Certifications: SOLO Wilderness First Responder (WFR) plus CPR/AED, AIARE Avalanche Level 1, AIARE Avalanche Rescue trained, Androscoggin Valley Search And Rescue (AVSAR) – “Winter Above Treeline Team,” current AVSAR President, 5th class technical rescue training (PEAK). More certifications coming soon.

Words from HQ: Will one of those people that inspire confidence, not only in himself, for those close at hand. While Will doesn’t have decades guiding experience, his resume and personality easily make the grade.

Howard Aronson, Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

Howard as a USFS Trailhead Steward.

Introduction: Howard grew up in RI, and has lived in Amesbury, Mass., for the last decade. Ever since he was a kid, he loved being outdoors, playing sports, sledding in the winter, and just staying fit. But, he didn’t start hiking until 2012, when he was 52. Before that, he was “gym rat,” natural bodybuilder, and triathlete. He rowed Crew in college, and was a 3 sport athlete in High School. Needless to say, Howard was fit enough to handle the rigors of hiking, but he had a lot to learn but has gained a lot of experience in the last four-plus years. Howard has been in sales for over 30 years, so we know that he can provide a very special, fun, upbeat, and positive experience, to whoever he guides or works with. Howard had no idea, that walking thru the woods and climbing to the tops of mountains would change his life, but it did.

Résumé: Since August 2012, Howard has completed the NH 48k footers, the New England 67 4k footers, 80 of the NE 100 highest peaks, and “redlined” over 50% of all the trails in the 29th edition of the AMC White Mountain Guide. Howard also has done over 100 winter hikes, climbing 33 of the NH 48 in Winter. He also has completed the Belknap Range Peaks, solo hiked in all 4 seasons, learned navigation skills, bushwhacked, and has become very proficient when it comes to talking about what to wear on your body, and feet. Howard is a bit of a clothing, footwear, and gear “nut.” Howard is a Trailhead and Backcountry Steward Volunteer in the White Mountains for the US Forest Service.

Certifications: SOLO Wilderness First Aid (WFA), AHA CPR/AED, Leave No Trace (LNT) Awareness, BSA Youth Protection Trained (YPT). Howard is working on obtaining relevant certifications over time while enjoying his time building hands-on experience assisting.

Words from HQ: Howard, being another long-time pro with us, has led many trips providing awesome experiences for our guests. Howard is very approachable and entertains our guests with stories from his past.

Dominic Torro, Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

Jacket earned fast.

Introduction: Dominic is from Epsom, New Hampshire, and has lived in the state his entire life. He learned to ski when he was two years old at Mt Sunapee. As a kid he also skied while vacationing with his family in Colorado, California, Nevada, and of course throughout the Granite State. Dominic was part of an alpine race team for 18 years, racing competitively throughout New England in slalom, GS and speed events. His passion for skiing brought him to the backcountry in his early twenties where he developed a “mountain-sense” and unique skill set. The outdoors have always been a big part of his life from hikes up Mt. Kearsarge as a kid to family camping outings in the White Mountains. He was an alpine race coach for 4 years during college and also a volunteer ski patroller. He also enjoys hiking, rock climbing, ice climbing, and backpacking.

Résumé: Dominic has hiked all of the 48 NH 4000-footers, and has made ski descents of Dodge’s Drop, Diagonal Gully, and many other lines in the Presidential range. He has explored all the ravines of the Presidentials on skis including multiple overnight trips into more remote zones. He has also climbed Mt. Shuksan via Shannon Ridge, Black Peak, Eldorado, Longs Peak. and participated in backpacking trips in the North Cascades, Olympic National Park, and in Mt Rainier National Park. Dominic also made the Rainier summit in 2022 via the Kautz Glacier and skied the mountain down via the Kautz Ice Chute and “Turtle.” Moreover, 2022 being a good year for Dominic, Mt Adams (Washington) and Mt Hood (Oregon) was also sent and skied. Dominic has over 30 winter ascents of Mount Washington (NH), most of which were with skis. Dominic has enjoyed ice and rock climbing throughout the state. He has also made backcountry descents in Utah’s Central Wasatch Range, and in Colorado, California, and Nevada.

Certifications: WMA Wilderness First Responder (WFR), WMA CPR/AED, AIARE Avalanche Level 1, AIARE Avalanche Level 2, Avy Rescue, Leave No Trace (LNT) Awareness, more on the way.

Words from HQ: Dominic leads all sorts of trips for us, but he is a skier to the core and a pretty amazing one at that. We consistently get great feedback about his abilities, including his awesome guiding skills.

Michael Scire, Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

Michael’s stoked to be a Redline Guide.

Introduction: Michael grew up just north of Boston where he lives today. He has always had a passion for the outdoors, this has always been part of Michael’s DNA. His focus is on hiking, road cycling, and mountain biking. In 2017, Michael decided that hiking was his overwhelming passion and took up hiking in a serious manner. When not working his full-time job, you will find Michael hiking in the Whites or at the ski club he joined as he uses this as his base camp when up north. In 2018 Michael began his quest to complete the NH48s and completed the list in just under twelve months. He then went on to the NE67s, and has but two summits to complete that list. Since 2017 Michael has had the opportunity to hike in the mountains of Banff and Lake Louise in Western Canada, and peaks in the Las Vegas area. In 2018 Michael headed to Chamonix, France, to trek around Mont Blanc that included trekking through the Alps of France, Italy, and Switzerland. In 2021, Michael headed to Yosemite to hike Half Dome which required reaching the summit by way of the aid of cables secured to the mountain.

Résumé: As noted Michael has completed his NH48 in just under twelve months in 2018. Also as noted, Michael is nearly complete with his NE67, has hike a one-day Pemi Loop, trekked around Mont Blanc, hiked Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, and is proud to be a member of Randolph Mountain Club (RMC).

Certifications: SOLO Wilderness First Aid (WFA), AHA CPR/AED, Leave No Trace (LNT) Awareness. More coming soon.

Words from HQ: Michael is humble, down-to-earth, and reliable. He’s often stepped up in times of need making a name for himself as an awesome and dependable guide in the process, dedicated to the team.

Tim Jones, Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

Tim’s also stoked to be a Redline Guide.

Introduction: Tim Jones retired to the Mount Washington Valley in 2016 to take advantage of the local hiking/snowshoeing, mountain biking and ski trails, and to kayak the whitewater rivers that flow from the mountains. Tim’s career was as an outdoor/travel journalist and equipment consultant. He was also a ski instructor for over 40 years, helping to train his identical twin sons who skied for the Atomic National Freeride Team throughout high school. It was often hard to tell when he was working and when he was playing. He climbed his first mountain (Monadnock) at age 9 and hasn’t stopped since. Tim is in a “smell the alpine azaleas” phase of his hiking career, enjoying guiding hikers who measure challenges by their own abilities and want to hike safely.

Résumé: Tim has hiked over 600 miles of the AT, has explored every corner of the White Mountain National Forest, and much of the Greens and Adirondacks, too, and has probably summited most of the “48” at some point (he’s never kept a list). He’s a certified volunteer kayaking trip leader and whitewater kayaking instructor for the NH Chapter of the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC), and has taught Winter Camping, Backpacking Skills, Advanced Snowshoe Skills, and Backcountry Skiing for Vermont Doe Camp. In winter, he is a Trail Steward for the Mount Washington Valley Ski Touring Association.

Certifications: SOLO Wilderness First Aid (WFA), AHA CPR/AED, Paddlers First Aid, AAIRE Level 1 Avalanche certification, ACA Level 3 kayaking instructor, Level 1 Swiftwater Rescue, PMTS Ski instructor (Training with Harald Harb), Leave No Trace (LNT) Awareness.

Words from HQ: Tim doesn’t do big jobs for us preferring to run local stuff, half days, hiking, snowshoeing, etc. And we’re fine with this. It should be noted, on big jobs or small, Tim is all about the details. A real pro.

Erik Samia, Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

One of Erik’s favorite pastimes!

Introduction: Erik lives in the Mount Washington Valley, where he was born and raised, beginning his love for adventure for the outdoors when he was still in diapers. He has been an avid hiker, backpacker, skier, paddler, and climber for many years. Being from the White Mountains his curiosity for the outdoors has only grown through the years. He has lived in tents, yurts, and wigwams for a least six months per year for the last six years in order to fully immerse himself in the mountains and woods. He studied Recreation, Adventure Education/Travel and Ecotourism while at Paul Smith’s College in the Adirondack Mountains and has led backpacking trips, LNT courses, and helps lead and coordinate the Appalachian Mountain Club’s Volunteer for Trails Program for the past five years. Erik hikes, backcountry skis, and climbs all around the country.

Résumé: Hiked, backpacked, backcountry skied, and climbed all across the northeast and numerous other spots across the western part of the united states. Erik has completed hiking the three-season 48 4000-footers’ list. He has studied primitive living skills, while living in a yurt community. He has led backpacking trips and trail crews all throughout the White Mountains, 100 Mile Wilderness, Baxter State Park, Acadia, Berkshires, Green Mountains, Adirondacks, Costa Rica, and the Virgin Islands. In the past year he has worked on building partnerships through trails and conservation with local groups as well as an international trails internships with the Sendero Pacifico down in Costa Rica.

Certifications: Degree in Recreation, Adventure Education/Travel, and Ecotourism (PSC), SOLO Wilderness First Responder (WFR), AHA CPR/AED, AIARE Avalanche Level 1 (Avy 1), Leave No Trace (LNT) Master Educator, and White Mountain Outfitter Guide (USFS/AMC).

Words from HQ: Erik has long been with Redline Guiding sometimes serving as a excellent stand-in. His life has been so full and active over the years, he can’t dedicate himself to the craft as much as some.

Brian Wasiewski, Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

Brian on the job leading a hike.

Introduction: Originally from Long Island New York, Brian grew up camping and climbing in “the Gunks,” but it wasn’t until moving to Colorado in 2012 that he found his true passion for the outdoors.  While there, Brian quickly started ticking off the 14ers and learning as much as he could about 4-season backcountry travel. Prior to moving back to the Northeast, Brian explored the Northern Cascades and San Juan Islands in Washington through the Northwest Outward Bound School where he further developed his skillset in sea kayaking and backpacking, while gaining the certifications and leadership skills necessary to become a guide and Wilderness First Responder. Now living in the Mount Washington Valley, Brian is volunteer member of the Androscoggin Valley Search and Rescue. Brian’s tackling the 4000-footers. As an avid type-two fun enthusiast, Brian loves the mental and physical challenge of hiking and climbing while helping to teach others how to access the view.

Résumé: Brian has hiked 15/48 4000-footers in New Hampshire — including summer and winter summits of Mt Washington — and counting, hiked 8 of the 14,000 footers in Colorado, and sea kayaked in and around the San Juan Islands in Washington State. Brian has also section hiked parts of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) and Appalachian Trail (AT). Also back in New Hampshire Brian has hiked four of the Terrifying 25. Locally Brian has more to do but he’s actively working on it.

Certifications: SOLO Wilderness First Responder (WFR), AHA CPR/AED, AIARE Avalanche Level 1, Leave No Trace (LNT) Awareness, Androscoggin Valley Search And Rescue (AVSAR) – “TS Team,” Northwest outward Bound Guide School graduate.

Words from HQ: Brian is integrating with he team, finding his place and developing his skills. He’s led several trips with us the the feedback has been consistently positive. We can see Brian leading bigger climbing and hiking trips in the future.

Chase Hall, Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

Chase brings a great attitude to the job.

Introduction: Chase Hall joined Redline Guiding in the Spring of 2023. After growing up in Boston, MA, he found his way to the mountains. It wasn’t until the pandemic did Chase change his course and focus on hiking full time. He moved to North Conway, NH in May of 2022. Chase has always been very active with sports and group activities and he still enjoys playing tennis and golf when he’s not hiking in the mountains. It was when Chase joined a hiking group that he fell in love with hiking. The group changed his life. He found lifelong friends who inspire him to keep pushing onward every day. Chase is the kind of person who loves being around community. He loves to be an ear to listen and guide for those who are struggling and may need support, both on and off the trail.

Résumé: Chase finished his first round of the 48 4000-footers in May 2021. In 2023 he finished his 52-With-A-View list. Chase has also completed his GRID as of April of 2024. Chase has hiked the White Mountains in all four seasons. Chase had completed a Single Season Winter48 in 2022, and again in 2024, as well as completing two single day Pemis Loops in the Whites (fall) and two single day Presidential Traverses (summer)

Certifications: SOLO Wilderness First Responder (WFR), AHA CPR/AED, Leave No Trace (LNT) Awareness, BSA Youth Protection Trained (YPT).

Words from HQ: All our guides have great attitudes, but Chase seems somehow extra enthusiastic finding peace and joy on any hike, on any day, at any pace. It doesn’t seem to matter, he’s just super happy doing what he does. We love this.

John Bergman, Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

John has always enjoyed leading others.

Introduction: John Bergman, a.k.a. “T-Shirt” — a name that comes from the ridiculously cold temperatures that you’ll see him hiking in, clad only in a t-shirt, of course! As a child John always enjoyed trips to New Hampshire. Fond memories. He dreamed of someday living in the Granite State. After completing his tour of duty with the US Navy Submarine Service, he made the dream a reality and moved to Durham, right in the heart of New Hampshire’s “Seacoast Area.” Always a life-long bucket-list item for John, he wanted to hike the “NH 48 4000-footers” and he was finally able to achieve that. He started working on the list in 2010 and hasn’t stopped hiking since. After completing his first round of the 48 he went on to do the Winter 48 and then the Four-Season 48 after which time he decided at that point that he might as well hike the grid. So he did.

Résumé: John has completed 12 rounds of the 48 New Hampshire 4000 footers, including one round in each and every calendar month, a.k.a. the “Grid”. He has also completed the New Hampshire 52 With-A-View as well as all of the Belknap Range peaks and is nearing completion of the New England Hundred Highest. He has also hiked in the Adirondacks as well as the Grand Canyon. John enjoys mentoring new hikers and has led over 90 hiking trips to various New Hampshire destinations.

Certifications: SOLO Wilderness First Aid (WFA) and AHA CPR/AED certifications, both pending. Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) Class 1 All-Season Trip Leader, Winter Hiking Instructor, Mountain Leadership Instructor, Map and Compass Navigation Instructor, Leave No Trace Instructor.

Words from HQ: John is an extremely experienced four-season leader with a ton of experience. He isn’t called on much, he has some side projects in need of some of this time, but when he is we know it’ll go well.

Glenn Van Neil, Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

Glenn enjoying working in his office.

Introduction: Glenn is originally from Buffalo NY, but grew up moving regularly, including having lived in Italy and Canada for 8 years in the 1980s. Glenn has been hiking, backpacking, and climbing throughout the United States, including Alaska, for the last 30+ years. Glenn recently retired after a 28 year career working for the US Government, including 17 years working for the National Park Service as a Park Ranger protecting our National Parks. Glenn has guided backpacking trips on the Appalachian Trail in NY, CT, NH, and VT, as well as other trips to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, Green Mountains of Vermont, New York’s Adirondacks, the Wind River Range in Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park, and Grand Teton National Park, among others. Glenn is also a rock and ice climber and has summited multiple peaks including Mt. Washington (multiple times in winter), Mt Rainier (multiple accents), Mt Baker, and one attempt at Denali in Alaska! Besides hiking, backpacking and climbing, Glenn is an avid trail runner and Ironman athlete and can be found training and running the roads and trails of the Northeast year ’round. Glenn also serves as a member of his local volunteer fire department (East Granby CT) at the rank of Captain and is responsible for training/certification of its members.

Résumé: Glenn has successfully climbed Mt. Washington in winter multiple times, has lead numerous climbs in the Northeast including, The Black Dike, Pinnacle Gully, Diagonal Gully, Whitney Gilman Ridge, West Chimney (The Eaglet), among others (it’s an exhaustive list). He has successfully climbed Mt. Rainier via both the Disappointment Cleaver route (multiple accents) and via Liberty Ridge. Glenn has backpacked extensively in the Western US including multiday trips to Yellowstone NP, Grand Teton NP, and the Wind River Range in Wyoming. He attempted Denali in 1998 via the West Buttress but was unsuccessful due to weather. He is currently planning a return to Denali in 2025 for an attempt on the Cassin Ridge.

Certifications: SOLO Wilderness EMT and AHA CPR/AED, Professional Member of the American Mountain Guide Association (AMGA), AMGA SPI (Sept 2023) Rock Climbing Instructor. Stop the Bleed, Certified Interior Firefighter/training officer, BSA Youth Protection Trained (YPT). More certifications on the way.

Words from HQ: Glenn has proven himself present, ready, and capable, he communicates well, and is a real professional. We’re pretty impressed so far. We think our guests will be, too.

Debra McCown, Guide/Instructor/Caretaker - Click to Open Profile

Living her mountains best life.

Introduction: Debra is from Bartlett, NH, and has always loved the outdoors but discovered her love for winter hiking and backpacking as a student at the University of North Carolina, where she participated in and led outdoor trips, something she continued to do after college. She didn’t yet know about peak-bagging lists, however, and has never owned a fancy fitness watch to track summits and mileage, so she doesn’t have a list of statistics. But she’s made many visits to peaks and trails around the Southern Appalachians and points north, including numerous solo winter trips, because the mountains are a place where she has always felt at home. Her first hike in New Hampshire was a Pemi Loop, and she fell in love with the White Mountains, returning to hike the 4000-footers, climb the winter gullies, and sunbathe on the summer peaks — and ultimately to live here. She loves all the classic traverses and the crazy weather above treeline. She’s a firm believer in the fact that women belong in the outdoors — and are capable of far more than they get credit for. Likewise for others who’ve long been underrepresented in outdoor culture.

Résumé: Debra is also a bit in love with the Cascades and is working on checking some Western mountains off her list, with hopes to eventually tackle some bigger things farther afield. She organized and led a successful climb to the summit of Mt Rainier in 2024 and has also climbed Mt Baker, Mt Shuksan, Mt Adams, and Mt St Helens. Closer to home, she’s working on the Northeast Ultra 8 for winter and summer, New England 67 and Northeast 115, the Terrifying 25, the 52 with a View, and the New Hampshire 48, Winter 48, and T-Rex 48 (which she sincerely hopes will become a thing). She’s keeping track for the NH 48 Grid with a spreadsheet that’s filling up faster than she thought it would, plus she’s got her own list of things to explore, which aren’t necessarily trails. A writer and a journalist by trade, she also worked as a winter hiking guide prior to her arrival here. She has volunteered on search and rescue teams since 2020 and plans to join one of the local SAR teams here in New Hampshire.

Certifications: SOLO Wilderness First Responder (WFR), CPR/AED, Sartech II & other SAR-related training.

Words from HQ: Debra’s really impressed us, an experienced guide to be sure. She’s a professional, yet knows how to make people feel at ease. Especially our younger guests who are always delighted to see her don her Tyrannosaurs rex contume.

Gregg Ludvigson, Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

Looking good in his new swag.

Introduction: Gregg is from Sturbridge, MA, and now residing in North Conway, NH. He has been active in the outdoors since childhood. Started skiing at 2.5 years old, and started working in the ski industry at 18 years old. When not skiing, Gregg would always be found outdoors, hiking, fishing, or riding his 10 speed bike on hiking trails, since mountain bikes were not popular at the time. After working in the ski industry for 19 years, he left the ski industry and started working in the surf/windsurfing industry, owning his own business on Cape Cod. Gregg returned to Sturbridge and the ski industry in 2011, and started climbing in the local climbing gym, where he was bit by the climbing bug. He would drive to the White Mountains to hike, moving to North Conway in 2017, so he could spend more time hiking. While not spending as much time as he’d like rock climbing, he spends all his time off in the winter months ice climbing. He specifically likes to climb semi frozen waterfalls that are 40’ and taller. Gregg spends the rest of his spare time mountain biking, trail running, fly fishing, and mostly with his husky, Koda.

Resume: He has hiked 22 of 48 4000 footers and counting, and has ice climbed the tallest waterfalls in NH and ME, as well as a lot of lesser known waterfalls. Gregg is studying and practicing to get his AMGA certifications for Single Pitch Instructor (SPI), on the way to ice and rock climbing guide/instructor. Gregg also strives to be a mountain biking guide and instructor (a future offering?). We should also note that Gregg is Ambassador, has a sponsorship, or is affiliated with the following: Rudy Project Eyewear (10+ years), Honey Stinger (10+ years), GoPro (5+ years), Odi Grips (5+ years), Skratch Labs (5+ years), and Leatt Protectives (3 years)

Certifications: SOLO WFR (Wilderness First Responder) & AHA CPR/AED, LNT Awareness. Gregg also has a number of ski industry certifications.

Words from HQ: We’re still getting to know Gregg so please check back at a later date.

Hayley LaPointe, Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

Hayley’s mountain joy is reflected in her smile.

Introduction: Hayley, trail name “Giggles,” grew up in Maine but currently lives in Bartlett, NH. She grew up hiking and camping with her family, frequently making trips to Tumbledown Mountain and Bar Harbor in Maine. Hayley has been drawn to athletics her whole life; she played field hockey at the University of New England and was a captain of the team for two years. She was missing the camaraderie that came along with playing sports, until she discovered the NH48 4000-footers list in 2018 and was introduced to the White Mountain hiking community. Hayley was an admin of the Hiking Buddies NH 48 group until 2022, when she left to thru hike the Appalachian Trail (AT), but gained many close friendships through that group and beyond. She has a passion for teaching others how to safely recreate in the outdoors and enjoys helping people reach their goals. Hayley is a pediatric nurse, but enjoys spending time on trail with people of all ages! Hayley and her partner, Brady, spend a lot of time hiking and backpacking with their rescue pit bull, Millie (short for Millinocket, the gateway town to Mount Katahdin which is the AT’s northern terminus). They also enjoy indoor rock climbing, and are excited to try outdoor climbing in the future. Hayley joined Redline Guiding in Summer 2024.

Résumé: Hayley finished her first round of the NH48 in June 2021. In 2022, she completed a five month thru hike of the Appalachian Trail. Hayley is currently working on completing the NH 52WAV, Terrifying 25, and the NE67 lists. Though lists are a fun way for her to see and experience new mountains/trails, she is in no rush to complete them. Hayley has hiked the White Mountains in all four seasons and made two expeditions into Baxter State Park in winter 2024, where she summited Baxter, Hamlin, and North Brother peaks. She has completed single day hikes of the Pemi Loop, Presidential Traverse, Cats/Carters/Moriah Traverse and Belknap Traverse. Hayley recently joined the Lakes Region Search and Rescue (LRSAR) team and adopted part of the Crawford Path with a group of friends. She has spent a few days doing trail maintenance and is looking forward to doing more work that gives back to the trails.

Certifications: Registered Nurse (RN), SOLO Wilderness First Responder (WFR), AHA Basic Life Support (BLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Leave No Trace (LNT) Awareness.

Words from HQ: Hayley was referred in-house and has shown us amazing enthusiasm tempered with serious skills and competence. A great addition to the Redline Guiding team.

Eric Hansen Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

Introduction: Eric is from Jamaica Plain, MA, and a trained outdoor leader. Awaiting more content.

Résumé: Awaiting more content.

Certifications: Awaiting more content.

Words from HQ: Pending at this timed.

Jamie Leahy, Guide/Instructor - Click to Open Profile

Introduction: Jamie is from Bethlehem, NH, and a very experienced climbing guide. Awaiting more content.

Résumé: Impressive, yet pending. Awaiting more content.

Certifications: Several, to be listed. Awaiting more content.

Words from HQ: Jamie is a professional guide having worked during another era as a guide with Redline Guiding founder Mike Cherim. Like Mike, Jamie opted to start his own agency, but he prefers getting out there over running the show.

To be continued as we grow and develop…
(Last updated: October 16th, 2024)

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