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Monthly Archives: September 2022

Gotta Touch Them All

Most of the writing on this blog is penned by owner, Mike Cherim — weirdly talking about himself in the third person but he’s getting used to it (look, he’s doing it again). Every now and then, however, the guide on the trip being written about likes to jump in and share their perspective, in their words. That’s how this post is going to play out. […]

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A.T. Finisher, Age 74, Finds Her Bear

Debby’s trailname is “Bear Repellent” because over the decades while trying to section out the Appalachian Trail she had never spotted a bear. Finally, however, in the nick of time we might add, Bear Repellent got to meet a bear named Prince Hairy, a mere three feet from her finish line in Tennessee. We wanted to literally be there to help welcome her to the end […]

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Point to Point Perfect

Some hikes are what we call “out-‘n’-backs” if the route takes us… well, out and back. Others are what we refer to as “loop hikes” (sometimes with a common lollipop stem, so to speak, from which the loop is formed). Those are obviously named as such because they start and end in the same place like the out-‘n’-back type. But unlike the out-‘n’-back, the loop style […]

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Zero to Sixty

We pop out of the starting gate, raring to go. We just can’t wait. The next thing you know, sixty is approaching fast. We aren’t talking about ripping up the quarter mile, of course. This, after all, is a metaphor for life itself. It’s aging — and we can talk about it because we are there (well, some of us). There’s no time to rest. If […]

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Visiting the Owl

We know that many people don’t like hiking to Owl’s Head — one of our more remote 4000-footers. The say it’s a long, seemingly endless hike. Relentless at the end as hikers make their finishing moves in slow motion on a barely angled surface with what feels like an endless number of straight sections that just make us want to cry… or scream. We know. Not […]

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Remote NH Wilderness

When we say “remote New Hampshire Wilderness,” does the Wild River come to mind? It may; and justifiably so we would say. To us here in North Conway/Bartlett/Intervale, the Wild River is fairly close at hand. And two nearby towns abut this area, Jackson and Chatham. Three if you include the unincorporated township of Beans Purchase. But the Wild River is often overlooked as a destination. […]

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At ’em at 80

She called and asked if we could furnish a guide to accompany her on a regular hike of hers. Apparently she was running low on hike-ready companions. The objective was a favorite of hers. Namely Edmands Path up to Crawford Path on the ridge of the Southern Presidentials, then up to the summit of Mt Eisenhower (4760′) via the designated summit loop trail. But before we […]

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In Windy Isolation

One minute it’s summer. Hot, humid, and windless, the sounds of insects alive in the air. Then a minute later the winds blow in from the north, make us shiver, and just like that the season feels like it changed. It hasn’t quite yet. More nice weather will help ease the season in and make us again appreciate sitting in the sun, but the process has […]

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Pemi Contagious

One of the finest yet toughest backpacking adventures out there in NH’s Wilderness…. Some trails, or in this case, a collection of trails, spark excitement in the hikers that tramp upon them. The 31+ mile Pemi Loop can certainly do this, but not always. Eventually the sight of the same old rocks, still plunked down in the same old places, can get old. Guides are at […]

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Four Wheelin’ Mt Washington

It makes for a memorable wedding: riding up the Mt Washington Auto Road in one of those large side-by-side utility vehicles. And that’s just what happened on September 13th, 2022. The couple (we’ll call them Paul and Linda) rode up, side-by-side but merely engaged at the time, met Redline Guiding owner and NH Justice of the Peace Mike Cherim up there, where he worked his JP […]

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Another Mad, Mad Week

Another week of working the wilds has been completed and again we’re overwhelmed trying to convey the stories behind the trips. Thus, like our last post, this will be more or less just a re-cap of the events. Details will have to be limited. In any case, however, our hats go off to both our incredible Redline Guides and our awesome guests. So, without further ado, […]

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Update from the Peaks

We’re a seasonal company, but one with something to offer in all seasons (even weddings). In the spring and fall we hike and climb and offer a wide variety of outdoor education classes. Winters are even busier with more classes and myriad opportunities to climb, hike and snowshoe, ski, even get some mountaineering in. Our busiest season, however, is summer. We offer the classes but hiking […]

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