She called and asked if we could furnish a guide to accompany her on a regular hike of hers. Apparently she was running low on hike-ready companions. The objective was a favorite of hers. Namely Edmands Path up to Crawford Path on the ridge of the Southern Presidentials, then up to the summit of Mt Eisenhower (4760′) via the designated summit loop trail.
But before we could answer we were informed that there was a caveat or two. First of all, she stated, she’d be a slow hiker. And, two, she told us she was 80. A regular hiker, she was, but admittedly not getting any younger. Could she go solo? Sure, but having a professional guide — especially one who’s fun, engaging, and interesting like Redline Guide Arlette Laan — is so much better. And safer. And, perhaps, saner at 80!
What follows are a few photos of the hike that Arlette took. In them you will find some pure New Hampshire beauty amid the White Mountain Nation Forest in long range alpine vistas well as some closeups of the minutiae that ties it all together. “Perfect weather.”

Starting out. Redline Guide Arlette Laan — all systems go.

The low sun of near autumn.

These flowers really hold their beauty.

Lifting the soul by way of a set of stone steps.

Treeline on Edmand’s Path.

Lichen it a lot.

The team stops on their final ascent to turn and look north. What they see is some sort of pretty, otherworldly paradise.
In speaking with our guest later, while seeking permission to use the image below, she exclaimed how awesome it was to hike with Arlette — and Arlette said the same to us. The guest did ask that we publish the fact that Arlette had been an amazing guide and that the day felt like a wonderful gift. We told her we’d of course be delighted to share that.

Congratulations on making the summit, team! Well done. (Please note, this photo is used with permission but, per our guest, shall ONLY be used to promote Redline Guiding and shall not be used to promote or endorse any other product or service. Thank you.)