We pop out of the starting gate, raring to go. We just can’t wait. The next thing you know, sixty is approaching fast. We aren’t talking about ripping up the quarter mile, of course. This, after all, is a metaphor for life itself. It’s aging — and we can talk about it because we are there (well, some of us). There’s no time to rest. If we rest we must stop, and if we stop… well, at best we have a harder time getting going again. We must move, we strive to pack more in (because you never know). We work on something awesome to help us keep going. In the case of this returning guest, it’s hiking New Hampshire’s 4000-Footers. Before sixty. And this hike up Mt Isolation via Glen Boulder, with our newest Redline Guide Brian Wasiewski, is number 46 for him! We hope to be part of his exciting pre-sixty conclusion so do stay tuned. In the meantime, check out these terrific photos.

Breaking treeline.

Views are happening.

This is a special place.

There it is!

Glen Boulder.

It’s a glacial erratic left by the Laurentian Ice Sheet.

Not his first tour with us, but moving forward we’ll see Brian out there more.

Coming off of Slide Peak.

Going this way is the scenic route costing the team and extra 1000 feet of elevation gain. Worth it? We think so.

The summit! Congratulations!

Rocky Branch on the way out.

Lots of crossings.