It makes for a memorable wedding: riding up the Mt Washington Auto Road in one of those large side-by-side utility vehicles. And that’s just what happened on September 13th, 2022. The couple (we’ll call them Paul and Linda) rode up, side-by-side but merely engaged at the time, met Redline Guiding owner and NH Justice of the Peace Mike Cherim up there, where he worked his JP magic for their wedding day, and then rode down the mountain, gravity and marital bliss having its effect on the newlyweds. Mike was also tasked with capturing some images of the couple and their little girl, 17-year-old Miss Penny — an adorable dog. What follows are a few of the photos Mike took.

The wedding procession.

Just married!

The newlyweds.

Miss Penny trying to containing her enthusiasm.

Motoring home.

Mt Washington State Park.