A returning guest who was with us just last week is on a roll as she steams through her New Hampshire 48 4000-footers. It makes sense, the weather’s been mostly good for hiking so one has to strike while the iron’s hot, so to speak. Her trusted companion through all this has been Redline Guide Phoebe Seltzer. Phoebe offered a few photos of their trip, some of which we’ve posted below. In them you can see why Phoebe has been our guest’s regular guide by request. Look how happy and relaxed she appears. All signs of a good trip with a good guide!
Congratulations and terrific work on numbers 36 and 37 now having claimed North and Middle Tripyramid (elv. 4180′ and 4140′, respectively). Woohoo… only 11 mountain summits to go!

Starting out by ascending Pine Bend Brook Trail.

Entering the Sandwich Range Wilderness as they head in.

North Tripyramid, done!

A view of Waterville Valley and Mt Tecumseh (also a 4000-footer).

Fast forward to Middle Tripyramid. There is a south peak, but it lacks prominence so doesn’t qualify as a 4000-footer (info).

Coming back on Sabbaday Brook Trail.

The most choice bits appear close to the road and end of the hike.

Sabbaday Falls is a gorgeous location.

Wow, easy walking here.

A mere .3 from the trailhead off of Route 112 (The Kanc).

Sorry, no swimming allowed. The water would be ice cold, though.