Ah, Mt Cabot (4170′), it’s one of those New Hampshire 4000-footers that can throw you a curve. Many get to the top of that mountain mere moments after inspecting the old fire warden’s cabin, enjoy some restricted views, then swing the party around and head home. Only later to realize another summit — the actual summit — is a few tenths of a mile from there and is perched a little higher. The good ones go back to undo their honest mistake. We get it; Redline Guiding owner Mike Cherim, in completing all the trails in the guide book, had to go back for the stupid Cabot Spring spur trail three times! It doesn’t count until you can count it so it is what it is.
This trip’s returning guest did something along the lines of that we described and needed to go back again. Lately she has been hiking with us — enjoying the companionship — to claim some of these peaks. This was the time to get that do-over on Cabot done. On point for this hike was Redline Guide Phoebe Seltzer, and she decided to offer our guest a loop allowing the exploration of the lovely “Unknown Pond,” the Horn (an optional New England Hundred Highest peak accessed by a side trail), and the Bulge (another NEHH peak) situated on trail so it is obligatory going this way. Doing a loop this way also has an advantage: the summit becomes a “can’t miss.”
So, needless to say, this trip was a success and our guest, obviously one of the good ones, can check this peak off her list once and for all (until she begins the winter summits). Phoebe grabbed several photos of their trip, a few selected to post below.

Heading up.

The Kilkenny isn’t an official Wilderness, but it is one nonetheless.

This shot sums up part of the way.

Looks steamy up there!

Nobody knows this pond. It’s unknown.

We know this spot. It’s the top of Cabot.

Here, actually, if you want to be really precise.

The aforementioned restricted view point.

Old tower spot and false summit.

Phoebe out there loving her job, and she’s a terrific guide! (Guest photo.)

Congratulations on number 35. Only 13 to go! Photo taken at the south outlook ledge.