This popular hiking tour took a while to put together for this group — ground conditions earlier on forcing a change — but it finally happened. A confident guide, a forecast of dry weather, and some predictably dry rock allowed our guests to feel good about giving this attempt the green light. And so, it finally happened. The team successfully climbing the “hiking trail” up Huntington Ravine on Mt Washington. And, spoiler alert, they made it. With smiles on their faces we might add. They came, they saw, the conquered. Redline Guide Pat Ferland keeping them safe along the way. He apparently made a nice impression as they said, “hiking with Pat is like hiking with a friend.”
Pat grabbed a few photos of the trip, some of which are posted below.

Crossings can be tricky.

This hike involved lots of “up.”

Tight spaces, anyone?

The real start of the climbing.

It’s a negotiation.

Fast forward a bit.

Nearing success!

Top of the day. Nicely done!

They opt to not summit.

The team descends via Nelson Crag Trail.

Going downtown.

Keep on truckin’