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Category Archives: Trips

Hiking the Carters

A returning guest working on her 48 New Hampshire 4000-footers needed South and Middle Carter for numbers 40 and 41 on her pursuit of completing this list. We were there to help. Specifically on assignment with this was Redline Guide Howard Aronson. Howard, and our guest, managed to grab a fair amount of photo and video content that we just had to put to use and […]

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99 Via Huntington

Capable people hire us to lead on Huntington Ravine Trail. That “hiking” route can be dangerous, tricky to navigate, sometimes unforgiving, and it’s well known that the consequences for screw-ups there are, well, pretty consequential. There is a history of injuries and even deaths. The Huntington Ravine Trail has a deserved reputation so there, on that hiking trail, factors like good weather are key, as are […]

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Mansfield Attempt

We pride ourselves in being able to extend our services outside New Hampshire. Maine, for example, is often the home of one of our guests’ objectives. As is Vermont, though less so. But this was one of those times. Our guest wanted to make an attempt of Mt Mansfield — which at 4,393′ is Vermont’s tallest mountain. On assignment for this trip was Redline Guide Pat […]

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Alaska and Florida in NH

She called us from Alaska of all places, hoping to visit New Hampshire and check out what we had to offer, maybe do some Hiking or have a bit of a Nature Tour. She planned to bring a friend with her, she advised. Another hiker from Alaska, we thought, but no. Her friend wasn’t really into hiking (yet), and she was from Florida of all places. […]

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Done Dug Deep

Deep digging is what it took to get it done, summarized in one line: “What she lacked in speed she made up with grit and determination.” This is what Redline Guide Jeffrey Shutak said of the guest he just led on a classic Franconia Ridge Loop hike. The team had a terrific day up there with some of the highlights present in the photos below. First, […]

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Walk, Drive, and Hike

We are a varied bunch ready to lead you up some wintery alpine peak, cliff, or wall of ice to hang out, yet we’re also there when you need us to just show you around. Being chill while warm, so to speak. Our Nature Tours, Tourist Tours, Companion services, and of course our Hiking and Snowshoeing offerings all fill that low-impact, low-risk niche to varying levels. […]

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Bear Repellent Gets Closer

With a mere forty-one miles to go, our oft-returning guest is nearly done with her life-long quest to link together those fourteen states through-which the AT or Appalachian Trail travels. Her pace has slowed over the decades, the effort to continue harder than ever, but with dogged determination she continues and the end is now within her grasps. She plan to close this chapter next summer […]

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Surviving Four Days

Our guests, completely new to backpacking, wanted to dive in and see what all the hoopla was about. They sought a legitimate wilderness experience. Supposedly, they heard, it’s fun. Which kind of fun, however, may vary from person to person. As we say at the beginning of the video we made with photos taken by Redline Guide Pat Ferland, the leader of this trip… well, see […]

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Gateway Hiking

What do you call it when someone who hikes tries to lure others into the sport? Hoping their victims will see the beauty, find the joy, and embrace the activity the way they do by teasing and coaxing them into it, bit by bit, vista by vista. Would that person be “the pusher man” or is that old term for a drug dealer too passé or […]

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Back for Her 22nd

We offer our assistance to a number of hikers working on various lists, including the 48 4000-footers in New Hampshire. We lend support as knowing companions, as hiking or backpacking guides, or as a little bit of both, depending on our guest. This hike to Wildcat ‘A’ Peak was one such adventure, a returning guest looking for a companion as well as a sometimes coach and […]

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Another Day on the Ridge

Franconia Ridge that is. The well-loved, often written about, and severely over-visited Franconia Ridge features seven summits — though not THE seven summits. These are, north to south: North Lafayette, Lafayette, Truman, Lincoln, Little Haystack, Liberty, and Flume. The latter two are often hiked together as a looped trail network exists. And of the former, Lafayette and Lincoln are the main objective on the northern half […]

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Paradise in the Mountains

The title of the post is something this couple may appreciate. We’ll call it an inside joke — even though it’s not meant to be humorous, per se — and we’ll keep it that way. It is subjective, though, that much we can tell you. We’ll admit, what’s paradise for one, may be less so for another, and visa-versa. This time, however, we can assure you, […]

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