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Category Archives: Trips

Little and Big Mountains

Variety is the spice of life and that’s what we’re all about. Thus, this post is going to be made in lieu of a video on our YouTube channel. We feel the media taken and received — mostly photos — will fit better here. As we up our video game, the source material will need to follow suit. It’s all part of our development. In the […]

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Two Brothers for the Win

This was a big deal. A tough mountain, for sure, against two brothers in it to win it, resulting in the deep satisfaction of sore legs only hikers and other outdoorsy freaks of nature can understand and appreciate. These two got it, neither strangers to working hard toward far away goals. The cardio, the sweat, the drive and exhilaration. Both have dug deep in the past, […]

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Mountain Variety Show

Within a twenty mile radius of our location in Intervale is an incredible amount to do, particularly when it comes outdoor activities and adventure. Not to say there isn’t a lot to do indoors — shopping, learning, entertainment, and other fun attractions — there is, but we’re a guiding company planted smack dab in the mountains so what do you expect us to talk about? Why […]

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A Few Thousand Feet

Is backcountry ski touring on again? We thought it was spring. The difference a few thousand feet makes becomes all the more apparent in the spring with its more extreme valley-to-mountain juxtaposition. Literally yesterday we foraged in the Mt Washington Valley for ramps (a wild onion) and fiddlehead ferns — succeeding on both fronts. Down low some flowers are poking up through the mulch, crocuses for […]

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Week 17 (2022) in Review

We stay pretty busy year ’round. Particularly winter and summer/fall with the latter being our busiest of all. Late fall slows down for a few well appreciated minutes, as does spring. As evidenced by the short video. But, enjoy it nonetheless. It features a wedding atop Mt Moosilauke — we just posted about it — and yet even more backcountry skiing with Redline Guide Dominic Torro. […]

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Moosilauke Marriage

A rather grand mountain as 4000-footers go, and one bearing a nice alpine expanse at its summit, the 4802′ Mt Moosilauke became the choice wedding venue for one Vermont couple. We won’t show recognizable photos or mention names, at the couple’s request (we always ask), but we can show images of the scene and take this opportunity to again say congratulations. The images we will show […]

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Ski the Weekend

On a mountain that, to many people, seems so very far away at this moment, winter rages on. Down in the Valley views include hillsides bearing thinning white stripes that used to be fat green circle, blue square, or black diamond ski runs. Everything is now brown, gray, or green. Down here we got some snow this morning, but it changed to rain and it went […]

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Week 15 (2022) in Review

The whole video compilation thing seems to be sticking. Inasmuch, another one has been created and features Redline Guides Ryan McGuire, Dominic Torro (x2), Will Murphy, and Mike Cherim all doing their thing. Specifically mountaineering, backcountry skiing (x2), alpine ice climbing, and a “tourist tour” hiking/walking exploration. Check it all out in the following video. Thank you for adventuring with Redline Guiding.

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The Spring Mix

Does “Spring Mix describe a bagged salad? Well, yes, but here in the Mt Washington Valley the Spring Mix best describes the myriad adventures and educational opportunities that present themselves at this time of year. What follows is a short video re-cap of some of the cool stuff we did over the past few days. Activities include a Basic Mountaineering Skills course (educational program) led by […]

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Two With Snow

From afar, when there’s snow, two New Hampshire mountain ranges stand out. Mt Washington and the Presidential Range and the famed Franconia Ridge. Where shades of frozen gray and green bearing slashes and scars dominate the winteresque landscape, these two ridges remain bright and white, glinting in the sun. Above it all — our precious alpine areas, a resource to be protected. Over the past few […]

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Same Day Rock and Ice

New Hampshire offers a large number of cool things to do at any given time of year. Let’s face it, the state is an outdoor-lover’s paradise. And during a brief period, most notably in the spring, this large number increases as the demarcation line between the seasons gets a little fuzzy. The lingering winter activities vie for our attention as much as the spring things do. […]

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Clinging Onto Winter

We aren’t ones to give up on a season easily. Especially winter in New Hampshire. What the heck happened? Nature’s been holding out. So we won’t give up quite yet, but we’d encourage you all to get after it, too, while you can. Thanks to some snow, we got a chance to enjoy another week of Nordic and alpine skiing and there’s still some ice to […]

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