Our Fifth Annual Trails Day
Once Again We’re Giving Back to the Mountain Trails we Love so Much by Literally Rolling Up Our Sleeves and Working on Them! Wanna Help?
Once Again We’re Giving Back to the Mountain Trails we Love so Much by Literally Rolling Up Our Sleeves and Working on Them! Wanna Help?
Here are the details you’ll want and need for the festival… The Mt Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce’s 2022 White Mountains Outdoor, Heath, and Wellness Fest is scheduled for June 11th from 10-3 in Schouler Park located in the heart of the North Conway Village (right in front on the Conway Scenic Railroad). This outdoor recreation, health and wellness festival encourages fitness, fun, and well-being in […]
Do you have plans to climb a big glaciated peak this year? If yes, this special joinable Two-Day Glacier Skills/Crevasse Rescue course is for you. These skills, like many we use in the mountains, are highly perishable. If not put to use regularly, you can lose them. So whether this is your first time or you’re looking for a refresher, you’ll get some terrific instruction from […]
Learn how to not freeze your tuchus off while camping this coming winter with Redline Guide Tim Jones (primary). Tim plans to lead up to eight (8) participants on an overnight. The location will be made known only to the paid participants for privacy reasons, but do note that Tim has advised that the hiking/snowshoeing in part of it will be minimal. His focus being on […]
Not long ago we announced a special outing in honor of and in support to the LGBTQIA+ community. The event wasn’t as well-received as we had hoped, but we did have two people join the party. In lead for this trip, due to some unfortunate turnover, was Redline Guide Will Murphy. As it turned out, Will was a great choice for this making a fine impression […]
We just finished our Fourth Annual Trails Day and it was again a huge success. This year, under the leadership of the US Forest Service, Saco District, we preformed what was probably our heaviest workout as volunteers. Organizers and supporters for this event, besides us and the USFS, were the NH Trail Workers Group, Rockhopper Races, and Tuckerman Brewing. Redline Guides present were Mike Cherim, Ken […]
Here’s an idea we came up with for Memorial Day weekend: Individuals, couples, or families can head up to the Mt Washington Valley on Saturday May 29th, taking their time, enjoying the ride. Once they arrive they can check in to one of the numerous hotels in the area (call us for a recommendation). The rest of the afternoon is spent shopping, checking out some local […]
Here at Redline Guiding we have always celebrated diversity and are continually learning how to create inclusive community spaces in the outdoors. Thus, we’re pleased to announce an exclusive LGBTQIA+ Wilderness Backpacking Experience. This is a steeply discounted opportunity to explore and learn about backpacking in the White Mountain National Forest. Lead on this Project is Redline Guide Jess Kowalski. The LGBTQIA+ community is one of […]
We’re Doing It Yet Again: We’re Giving Back to the White Mountain National Forest Trails by Literally Rolling Up Our Sleeves and Working on Them — and We Want You to Help Us Get the Job Done! Here’s How:
NOTE: These 2021 classes have all sold out. If new seats open we will make an announcement. We’re pleased to announce another cooperative effort between ourselves here at Redline Guiding and Rockhopper Races LLC. For those who don’t know Rockhopper Races, they’re the ones bringing professionally-organized mountain racing to the White Mountain National Forest. The owner, Kristina Folcik, has guided for us and remains a friend. […]
The problems with litter have been particularly bad this year for some reason. Local rumor has it drunk day-trippers are leaving behind a bad impression right along with their garbage — refuse ranging from feces to painted bricks. It’s unacceptable. To anyone who hikes or appreciates the forests and mountains, not leaving it a mess is a no-brainer. No littering is obvious. One should leave no […]
We know the best way to give back is to roll up your sleeves and actually do it. Thanks to all so-willing. Our Third Annual Trails Day was a success, though not without its challenges. Covid-19, for example, forced a significant delay. Time was needed for people to learn how to deal with this thing. Finally, though, with safety pushed way out in front, we got […]