Ayuh, We’re Again Giving Back to the Mountain Trails we Love so Much by Literally Rolling Up Our Sleeves and Working on Them! Wanna Help?

From 2022, that day we were tasked with the clearing of a ski trail. Its specification is 8-feet wide by 12-feet tall with no treadway or footbed.
Did you know there is a specification for the construction of non-wilderness trails? If you weren’t aware, the “corridor” is meant to be 4-feet wide by 8-feet tall, with a 24-inch “tread-way” or “foot-bed.” In Federally-designated Wilderness Areas, those numbers drop to 3′ by 6′ by 18-inches. If you didn’t realize this, it’s because you don’t really see the design spec played out on our trails.
Those numbers are difficult to maintain. You know as well as we do, as hikers, some of the trails out there are really brushed in measuring nowhere near the design spec. “Some,” it’s said, “are like a car wash on rainy days.” To make sure our trails are passable and navigable, it requires lots of hard work. Some of it done by various organizations (see list below), some of it by the US Forest Services itself, and some more still done by their friends. Namely, you and us. Besides sharing this event, here’s what you need to know to help out:
Here are the details about our “Sixth Annual Trails Day” you need to know:
- What: Perform trail work using the latest and greatest best practices on a local trail (to be determined).
- When: Saturday, June 3rd, 2023 from 8AM to 4PM (approximately).
- Where: Meeting at the USFS Saco Ranger Station (33 Kancamagus Hwy, Conway, NH 03818)
- Who: This event is the collaborative works of these co-sponsors:
- Why: Because you use these trails, you love these trails, and because you care.
- Bring: Please show up prepared and with the following…
- A pack large enough for your layers (please, not your best gear).
- Be prepared for whatever weather, but do wear long pants, regardless. No shorts.
- Also bring lunch/snacks for the day, bug spray, and a couple liters of water.
- Oh, and please wear real boots.
- We will supply work gloves (limited supply so please bring your own if you have them), safety glasses, hard hats, work tools, and basic instruction as needed.
- Note: Please note that this is strictly a work day, there will be no special training element. Participation will, however, count toward trail work requirements like that of the AMC’s Four Season list and such. Participation will of course also benefit the Forest and those who use it.
- Afterward: We go to Tuckerman Brewing a couple miles from the Ranger Station and enjoy a free beverage (up to 20 pints, soft drinks also available), on them. Thank you!
Exciting stuff, right? Want to get started doing your part right away? Please share this event with your family and friends. Oh, and sign up (below) then show up! We use these trails, gain their benefits, now let’s return the favor.
Who Else Needs Your Help? Check Out These Trail Maintenance Organizations:
- Chatham Trails Club (CTC) »
- Randolph Mountain Club (RMC) »
- Waterville Valley Athletic & Improvement Association (WVAIA) »
- The Cohos Trail Association (CTA) »
- The Friends of the Wapack »
- AMC – New Hampshire Chapter »
- Wonalancet Outdoor Club (WODC) »
- Belknap Range Trail Tenders (BRATTS) »
- Lakes Region Conservation Trust »
- Chocorua Lake Conservancy »
- Squam Lakes Association »
- Sub Sig Outing Club »
- Trailwrights »
- Cardigan Highlanders »

Corridor-schmorridor, I don’t see no foot bed here (Huntington Ravine Trail “Fan”).