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Trails Day Success, #4

We just finished our Fourth Annual Trails Day and it was again a huge success. This year, under the leadership of the US Forest Service, Saco District, we preformed what was probably our heaviest workout as volunteers. Organizers and supporters for this event, besides us and the USFS, were the NH Trail Workers Group, Rockhopper Races, and Tuckerman Brewing. Redline Guides present were Mike Cherim, Ken Hodges, and Mike Maciel. To that we added the collective horsepower of a large group of eager volunteers, some of which have never missed this important day. We love you guys and we thank you deeply. Without you guys, none of this could work. Only together do we make it possible.

This year we worked on the southern end of the Moat Mountain Trail in Albany, NH. The objective was to locate several downed hemlocks which had been cut by the USFS. Our job, after finding them, was to transport them to the trail by hauling them, using gravity, or both. Safely. (We need to add that and that it was always in our focus.) After the logs were placed alongside the trail the team de-barked/skinned them using spuds, an axe, and a draw knife. The purpose was to prepare the logs for use as water bars or water diverters. As usual, this project was fun and interesting, and this one tough. What follows is a video we made using several clips taken throughout the day. Enjoy!

“Thank you one and all.” — The Forest

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