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Another Mad, Mad Week

Another week of working the wilds has been completed and again we’re overwhelmed trying to convey the stories behind the trips. Thus, like our last post, this will be more or less just a re-cap of the events. Details will have to be limited. In any case, however, our hats go off to both our incredible Redline Guides and our awesome guests. So, without further ado, […]

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Update from the Peaks

We’re a seasonal company, but one with something to offer in all seasons (even weddings). In the spring and fall we hike and climb and offer a wide variety of outdoor education classes. Winters are even busier with more classes and myriad opportunities to climb, hike and snowshoe, ski, even get some mountaineering in. Our busiest season, however, is summer. We offer the classes but hiking […]

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Two More Done

Working on her list of the 48 4000-footers in New Hampshire’s White Mountains, this tour to Whiteface (4020′) and Passaconaway (4043′) brought her two closer to completion with numbers 44 and 45 in the bag, as they say. The day started off a little slower due to ground fog, and mother nature toyed with the duo for a bit, but ultimately cooperated giving them pleasant weather […]

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Taking on King Ravine

There’s something regal about the Northern Presidential Range in the White Mountain National Forest. What with so many things kinged, knighted, and castellated, it stands to reason. But it goes further. The mountains in that range are majestic to those who set feet upon their upper flanks and summits. Maybe it’s the alpine air, or maybe the stunning vistas. And quite often, it is the route […]

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Engineered to Succeed

We love it when our guests are guided up the 6288′ Mt Washington and one of the things they remark about after is how awesome the weather was. It tickles us because it’s a bit ironic that the mountain’s notorious for its horrible weather, yet it is capable of producing such joy. We also love it on days like this with limited views because it reveals […]

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Great Gulf Trail Finish

We had led this guest previously, occasionally wanting our leadership for certain parts of a quest he was working on. Namely he was working on completing the Terrifying 25. He will earn the cool patch, inset. On this trip our guest had some things to clean up, like the upper walk-in-the-park section of the Huntington Ravine Trail. He had taken on the scary sections with us. […]

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High Endurance Mo’Wash

With a high-endurance event coming up, one prospective guest asked if we had something that might qualify as training, wondering if a jaunt up Mt Washington would do the trick. Knowing the rugged trails in the White Mountain National Forest the way we do, we were inclined to agree thinking New Hampshire’s most famous Rock Pile might be a great choice for someone seeking high endurance […]

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Inner City Meets a Mountain

We were contacted by a young man from New York City who, along with three friends, wanted to try hiking. This was a last minute booking, they literally wanted to give it a go in two days, but they had no hiking clothing, no hiking gear (we solved that), and really zero experience. For these fellows, being new to hiking was a complete understatement. We will […]

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Walkin’ and Rockin’

We had a few things going on this past weekend while a number of guides also happened to be unavailable for one reason or another. Thus, Redline Guide Pat Ferland was out there guiding on both days (even Mike Cherim was guiding, but that’s another story — one we’ll get to). The first trip was a returning guest looking for a companion on the Whiteface-Passaconaway standard […]

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Another Owl’s Head

While only a fraction of any Owl’s Head hike is technical, its length and remoteness often inspire a person to hire a companion/guide. And this comes up a lot more than most people would think. The reason is that a ton of people hike this mountain; it is on the New Hampshire 4000-footers list. We daresay that if this mountain wasn’t on that list, the number […]

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One Owl’s Head

There is a wooded lump in the middle of the Pemigewasset Wilderness. It’s located in one of the most remote areas we have — at least by New Hampshire standards. The mountain, being a hair over 4000 feet above sea level in height, appears on a list of the “NH 4000-footers.” Subsequently, it gets hiked. A lot. If it wasn’t for this list, we daresay, this […]

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A Little Slice of Heaven

There are so many incredible hikes and backpacks to be enjoyed in the White Mountain National Forest. A few are standouts, though. One being the Zealand Notch Traverse — it’s one of our backpacking go-tos. It never disappoints. Mile for mile, few trails match this route’s quantity of sublime diversions. The distance is about ten miles, and with all of the elevation gain (about 1300-1400′ total) […]

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