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A Twin, Galehead, and Moose

A returning guest working on his winter 4000-footers needed South Twin (4899′), Galehead (4029′), and Moosilauke (4800′). He needs others, too, but they targeted these during this trip. On lead for the first trip was Redline Guide Brian Wasiewski. On for day two was Redline Guide Mike Maciel who reported April-like weather. Both guides took a number of photos of day one and day two, as […]

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Training on Ice and Snow

The temperatures were mild for February, which means it was warmer than it should be. Which also means the suffering was held to a minimum. And that part’s good — our students were comfortable during their basic mountaineering skills and introduction to ice climbing classes. These were led with Redline Guides Mike Cherim and Mike Maciel taking on the mountaineering skills, while Redline Guide Pat Ferland […]

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The Wind Blows

The other night the coldest wind chill temperature ever recorded on Earth was recorded on Mt Washington. Go figure, that crazy mountain weather. The ambient temperatures had dipped waaay down — as far as -47 degrees Fahrenheit. It was dangerously cold, in fact. Even the Valley was frozen and shuttered for the most part. But it was that gosh darn wind that made everything so insane […]

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Confidence as a Goal

A returning guest came to us with the goal of gaining more confidence in winter backpacking, hoping to hike Stratton Peak in the Green Mountains of Vermont, and enjoy a winter overnight at Stratton Pond. On lead for this two day, one night backpack was Redline Guide Arlette Laan. Being that Arlette’s a creative soul like us, she opted to author the following summary: Day ZERO: […]

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Meet the Winter Alpine

A guest recently came to us with a request that fell outside of the set educational programs we offer. For us this is no problem, though, as we are custom outfitters who default to the one-on-one experience. So, when someone wants something very similar to our Hiking Intro course but one not starting at the ground floor, so to speak, and to further have the lesson […]

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Train, Race, Lead

Friday was a training day for one of our guests. He would be attempting to hike the 6288′ Mt Washington two days later. This would be done in the shadow of yet another group we had heading up at the same time. This training, and the following tour, was led by Redline Guide Phoebe Seltzer. The day in-between Phoebe couldn’t guide because she was busy winning […]

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Weather Destination

Our two-day mountaineering program has always been popular. There you train a day, then climb a day taking on the exquisitely-beautiful yet notoriously badass Mt Washington. Sometimes you reach the 6288′ summit, other times you don’t. And other times still you just don’t dare — nor do you care. The weather, you see, is often the destination. Climbers will stand atop Lion Head — an extremely […]

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Skills for Mountaineering

A large hiking group based out of Rhode Island signed up to learn some basic mountaineering skills with us. And it almost happened exactly as scheduled. But then the weather that we needed wasn’t the weather we had as we were nearing the time of our December class. The idea of a postponement was floated, but it was still wait-and-see. A good call since you know […]

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Smarts Turnaround

Having stopgaps like turnaround times in place is a common-sense matter of safety. A turnaround time means one plans ahead to turnaround if not at the summit or other designated point by a particular time. If there was a misjudgment to the travel time — which can be due to a number of factors such as a lack of fitness, navigational challenges, difficult ground conditions, and […]

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Skilled Buddies

A day of winter training plus mountaineering skills training and a guided experience on a winter Mt Washington goes a long way toward filling one’s experience bank. It’s akin to making a huge experiential deposit, perhaps bolstering a little-used account, or for some making a significant opening deposit. Going in inexperienced, coming out wiser, stronger, better than before. That’s what a few hiking buddies did. We […]

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Small but Wicked Mighty

Everyone who hikes the 3384′ Mt Tremont takes note of the mountain’s steep upper reaches and the numerous switchbacks that allegedly ease the effort required to climb said reaches. “Those switchbacks,” they exclaim, “sure are something else.” (They actually mutter something different, but you get the idea.) So, if you’re one of the folks out there taking on the 52 With a View list because it’s […]

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It’s a Weekend Wrap

We usually try to post something re-capping our individual adventures, and now and then we even try to offer a write-up covering some of our educational offerings. Other times, though, we blink our eyes for a split second and find ourselves over our heads with things to cover. That’s when we break out the old combiner and combine them things. And that’s what we’re doing here, […]

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