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Nimble Guides

The plan was set, we were leading two people who wanted to hike up and summit Mt Washington (6288′). Not given any specifications or requirements, we were going to head up the west side via the Ammo and Crawford Path. That was what we were going to do. Until, that is, our main contact casually asked if she might be able peer into Tuckerman Ravine. Apparently, as we learned, her dad used to ski there and she was curious to see what it was like. We explained that getting that view would require going a fair distance out of the way adding miles and many added feet of elevation change. Unless, of course, we just go up the east side instead hiking right through the heart of Tuckerman Ravine. Moreover, we can top that off with a Lion Head descent offering that “peer into the Ravine” perspective as well. We checked with Redline Guide Chase Hall who was leading this trip to gather his thoughts and see if he had anything to add. He quickly green-lighted the change giving us an opportunity to really deliver the goods. Coupled with a nice weather day, this was poised to be an excellent tour. By the end of the day our guests were feeling it, which is to be expected on our rugged trails here in the Whites.

Great work, team, and way to be nimble, Chase. To our guests, thank you for adventuring with Redline Guiding!

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