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Another Day

They had just been out hiking with us a couple days prior, and here they are again. This time they took on Mt Garfield (4501′) — one the gems of the 4000-footers in NH. They had a good day for it, albeit humid, though normal for the jungle.

On lead for this trip was Redline Guide Phoebe Seltzer. This was a private hike so photo permissions limited us to Phoebe pics and these landscape shots. Speaking of landscape, Phoebe told us they intend to return again, but now with Huntington Ravine in their sights.

Here’s Phoebe’s take on the day:

We headed up the trail at 7:40AM and made quick work of the first 4 miles! We then had to tackle the big rocks in the final mile. We saw mushrooms, crossed some rivers, dealt with some mud, and ate some good snacks. We reached the summit in under 4.5 hours and enjoyed a nice lunch up top with amazing views!! There was a bit of a breeze but it was warm enough to not add layers. We gratefully began the descent which seemed to take longer than the ascent even though it didn’t. We reached the trailhead after a long walk down and we’re well within are expected time. —Phoebe


Nice job on Garfield, team! And to our guests, thank you for again adventuring with Redline Guiding!

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