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Author Archives: Mike Cherim

Persistent Layers of Knowledge

We’re proud to announce that Redline Guides Ken Hodges and Liz Wyman have just earned their AIARE Level One and AMC Avalanche Awareness certifications, respectively. This is all part of their progression here at Redline Guiding, and professionally as guides, and it’s all done in an effort to keep themselves and everyone they lead into the backcountry safe. Minimizing risk is their first responsibility as outdoor […]

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Two Days on Mt Adams

Redline Guides Carl and Mike had a mission: ascend Mt Adams with guests William and Caitlin as far as Gray Knob — a treeline-situated cabin owned and operated by the Randolph Mountain Club. Once there they would partake in some varied training. (Due to the prior experiences of the guests, Mike felt some basic awareness level avalanche training would be fun and interesting.) The following day […]

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Ice Axe Versus Trekking Poles

There is a time and a place for both an ice axe and trekking poles in the White Mountain National Forest. That said, if ever there were a default tool to rely on, surely trekking poles would earn that distinction. The ice axe’s role in the Northeast, in general, is pretty limited. In fact, with very few exceptions, a hiker wouldn’t even consider carrying an ice […]

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Mt Monroe in Extreme Conditions

The winds above treeline weren’t crazy by the AMC’s Lakes of the Clouds Hut — blowing 30-40 miles-per-hour or so at that location. The temperatures, on the other hand, were an attention-grabbing -20°F, or really close to that, anyway. We could have gone on, and maybe we could have made it if the winds on Mornoe’s summit were manageable. And we were going to try. We […]

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New Course: Glacier Skills

Introducing, our latest offering: An intensive Glacier Skills Course. It’s perfect for anyone preparing for travel in glaciated terrain (get it while you can), especially if they will be a member of a roped mountaineering team. This course covers glacier travel, crevasse rescue techniques, and more, and is the next step in a natural progression for those already well-versed in the use of crampons, ice axe, […]

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How I Died Hiking

THIS work of fiction isn’t meant to be shocking or morbid. That said, some might find it disturbing on some level, or chilling. That isn’t, however, its purpose. Nor is it meant to point out any glaring errors or huge lapses in judgement. You’ll find, in fact, that this could really happen to anyone. It can creep up on us, one moment an innocuous experience, the […]

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Being a Good Hiking Buddy

It’s been noted that venturing out alone on a hike, a winter one in particular, increases your risks. But just because you have a buddy with you doesn’t mean your risks are eliminated, or even diminished for that matter. Just as it takes work and a deliberateness to take care of yourself while hiking and climbing, it also requires something of each member of your party […]

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Two More New “Woofers”

Even more congratulations are in order, this time to Redline Guiding Mountain Guides Liz Wyman and Álvaro Marques for also completing their schooling and earning their Wilderness First Responder (WFR) certifications. As noted, since protecting our guests and others we may lead by being ready to meet their basic emergency medical needs in the mountains is critically important (and a requirement before leading), we are extremely […]

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Two New “Woofers”

Congratulations to Redline Guiding Mountain Guides Arlette Laan and Ken Hodges for completing their schooling and earning their Wilderness First Responder (WFR) certifications. Since protecting our guests and others we may lead by being ready to meet their basic emergency medical needs in the mountains is critically important (and a requirement before leading), we are extremely pleased to be able to make this announcement. The schooling […]

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Alpine Touring (AT) Now Offered

At the urging of one of our guests, we sought the guidance of our insurer, hoping really for a quote on a rider to our existing policy — one allowing us to lead backcountry skiing tours on Alpine Touring or AT gear. We were under the impression this activity wasn’t one of our covered activities. As it turns out we cannot teach downhill skiing in the […]

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Snowshoeing Versus Barebooting

Should people use snowshoes on snow-covered hiking trails in the White Mountain National Forest in the winter or do without? For those who aren’t aware of it, this subject is a hotly debated topic. Every year someone will innocently ask if they should wear snowshoes and, without fail, a firestorm will ensue. Every year, that is, that people have had access to a public forum where […]

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Redline Guide: Ken Hodges

Hoping to help you get to know our mountain guides just a little better, we’d like to offer the following: Ken’s Bio Introduction: Ken, of Amesbury MA, began hiking with the Boy Scouts, summitting Mt.Washington at age twelve. He has since hiked the New Hampshire 48 4000-footers a few times, the 52-With-A-View, the Terrifying 25, the Vermont 4000-footers as well as the Adirondack’s 46 4000-footers. He […]

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