We’re pleased to announce we have taken on yet another guide. Redline Guide Samantha Fairfield is new to guiding as a career but has long maintained a strong desire to guide and to do so with Redline Guiding in particular. Her applying twice, the second time with a wilderness first responder (WFR) certifications added to her credentials, was a sure testament to her ambition and enthusiasm. With this we are excited to add Sam to the team. Expect to see her leading hikes and backpacks to start, but over time expect to be introduced to exciting new offerings with Samantha in the lead. For now, check out her bio.

Samantha’s stoked to be a Redline Guide.
Introduction: Samantha grew up in Southern Maine and has been the adventurous outdoorsy type since birth. Growing up on a farm in rural Maine she spent every moment she could outdoors riding her horses, hiking, cycling and exploring every trail from her house for miles. This passion for the outdoors only grew larger as she got older leading to many road trip adventures which eventually led her to Santa Cruz, CA in 2007 where she landed a job as an Equestrian guide in Pescadaro. Samantha led hundreds of guests through redwood forests, along the beautiful beaches of central California, and in the backcountry. She eventually settled in Bend, Or, and for 11 years enjoyed hiking and riding many of the wilderness areas and also training international endurance race horses while running her own equestrian business. This job brought her deeper into the backcountry going as far as the Canadian Rockies. When not riding horses she and her husband explored and hiked in numerous National Parks some of her favorites being Joshua Tree, Bryce, Zion, Crater Lake, Olympic, Hoh Rainforest, Big Bend, and many more. Samantha moved back to her home state of Maine in 2016 and has since rekindled her childhood love of the WMNF. With her family she spends time weekly checking off mountains off of multiple lists When not working, Samantha enjoys spending time with her husband and their two daughters.
Résumé: Samantha has hiked most of the 48 4,000 footers (to be completed by the end of June 2021) and many of them multiple times as simultaneously works towards completing the Grid. Also checked off: the Belknap Range, more than half of the 52 With a View peaks, and many of the Terrifying 25 trails, and will hopefully be completing the New England 67 by summer… with more in the works. Spring, 2021, she started her goal of section hiking the Appalachian Trail and has completed her first section from Springer Mtn to Hot Springs, NC.
Certifications: SOLO Wilderness First Responder (WFR), AHA CPR/AED, Leave No Trace (LNT) Awareness. Additionally: Masters in Complimentary Alternative Medicine and Sports Nutrition, NASM certified personal trainer and sports nutrition, 500 hr. yoga instructor. Licensed massage therapist. More coming soon…
Welcome to the team, Samantha. We’re wicked pleased to have you!