Oh, sure, the sun may be out, and some folks might be seen scurrying about town wearing shorts still, but in the mountains, the tide is turning fast. Up there the air is starting to hurt. The wind machine is cycling up, the temperatures are swirling downward in an irrevocable cycle. Winter is coming! Hypothermia — a perilous dropping of your body’s core temperature — is now a threat more than ever (even though it can strike at nearly any time). Yet, it’s a great time to hike. The leaves are changing resulting in stunningly beautiful images. There is a crispness in the air, temperatures are comfortably chilly during exercise.
Fall in the mountains is a great time, but one that commands respect. It’s an easy time to get in trouble. And it’s a great time to start thinking about having your ascents guided. A knowing companion for safety reasons. That was the case on this trip up the 6288′ Mount Washington led by Redline Guide Ryan Mcguire. Check out their day.

A very pretty, and fairly cold day.

Approaching Lion Head.

The ice is in.

The final approach… it requires some energy.

Pretty soon the train will stop running and the Auto Road will close and this will be more like a deserted compound.

On their descent.

Rime ice had formed on this cairn.

Just before they drop into Tuckerman Ravine.
Good job, Ryan, and well done on the summit, team. Thanks for choosing Redline Guiding.