[…) it’s Mt Washington and is known for having a bit of a weather problem.
We originally had two guests lined up for this Mount Washington hike, but one canceled on the day of feeling ill so two became one. Our remaining guest was visiting us from Boston where he worked and lived temporarily. He was scheduled to return to his home in New Delhi, India, but decided that before he left the country, he would do something cool and memorable. Climbing the “Rockpile” — the tallest mountain in the Northeast — being so close, as it sits capping the White Mountain National Forest just over the border in New Hampshire, seemed like a clear choice… but with a chance of fog, of course. After all, it’s Mt Washington and is known for having a bit of a weather problem. This proved to be a good thing. First of all the normal summit crowds were hunkered down in the summit buildings sheltered from the 50mph wind gusts so they didn’t have a line to wait in before actually summiting. Further, this mixed bag of weather, the cold, wet rocks, clouds, and wind made for an incredibly rich, diverse experience. The team went up Lion Head and down through Tuckerman Ravine. A classic summer loop. This tour was led by Redline Guide Ryan Mcguire. He took the following photos of their hike.

Making his way up the Lion Head Trail.

Making treeline. Welcome to the alpine zone.

Ascending the ridge.

Before long they enter a cloud and reach the top of the mountain.

The summit is half way home. Congratulations! (See and hear what it was like on YouTube.)

Descending through the mist. He is well prepared with one of our Ready Packs.

Clearing the clouds, the ravine is next.



They begin to drop down.

We lead ski tours here in the winter and spring.

About two and a half easier miles remain.
Great job, Ryan, and well done, Team! Thank you for choosing Redline Guiding.