Spain to Boston, Boston to Spain, driving to New Hampshire, all of it is possible what with the magic of modern travel. But a particular father-son (grown) duo couldn’t seem to get those last few meters, the final meters leading them to the summit of the 1917m (6288ft) Mount Washington. It was vexing. They tried to even coordinate locally with another outfit but just couldn’t seem to make it happen. In a last-ditch effort they digitally traveled to Germany! It was there that they learned about us, sourcing through a European partner. So finally, things were happening, and with Redline Guiding, they were finally able to travel those final steps to the summit of the Northeast’s tallest, most weathered mountain. And they didn’t take the train or drive those final bits to get to the top, they hiked. Step after step. Redline Guide Ryan Mcguire showing them the way.

Up there and beyond from their perspective down low on the west side of the mountain.

They reach the lovely Gem Pool. Great spot for a break.

They tackle some of the steep bits. Love the hat!

Challenging, yes, but not without rewards. Check out that view!

On the oldest of trails, Crawford Path, the one leading the way to the top.

Congratulations gentlemen! Well done!

They descend via Jewel.

So long, Mt Washington. Thank you!
Great job, Ryan, and great job to our duo. Thanks for choosing Redline Guiding. Perseverance pays.