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Category Archives: Trips

Presidentials Backpack

Winter camping isn’t supposed to be about toughing it, suffering the cold, or feeling uncomfortable. That is one of the fundamental truths we teach, along with the how-to required to make this sentiment a reality. That said, Sunday into Monday the temperatures were mild enough to not have to seriously test ourselves in this regard. And that’s good because Redline Guide Álvaro Marques was out there […]

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Das Boot Continues

Remember Devin, a.k.a. Das Boot? We just lent him a hand. And then yesterday, with the help of Redline Guide Ken Hodges, we lent him another. This time on a shakedown hike traversing all five peaks of the Wildcat Ridge, the section on the Appalachian Trail (AT) running from the AMC’s Pinkham Notch Visitor Center to the junction of the 19-Mile Brook Trail via Lost Pond […]

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Winter AT Assistance

Imagine our surprise when we learned a very late season northbound Appalachian Trail (AT) thru-hiker was in the area and requested our assistance. Devin, who goes by the trailname “Das Boot” (like the movie, but not inspired by it), was stopped in Lyme, NH, and was seeking winter support for sections of the state as well as bits of Maine. Devin, being from Florida, was new […]

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Mt Washington via Lion Head

We just finished running a two-day program featuring a day of training followed by a winter summit bid on the notorious Mt Washington (6288′). Here are some details and photos. On day one Redline Guides Mike Cherim and Ken Hodges trained a group of six people on the finer points of Winter Skills and Mountaineering Skills. With them were a returning guest, Jon, another individual, Steve, […]

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Frozen Mt Madison Hike

The patriarch of a family in Randolph, NH, contacted us late in the afternoon on the 29th with a request that we guide four young adventurers on a Mt Madison summit bid the following morning, two of which were his own kids. He sought us for our judgement and ability to ensure the safety and well-being of those most important to him. Given such extreme conditions […]

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No Willard, Yes Tom

Instead of the usual blog entry where we write about the day based on information gleaned from our guide, our guests, and other observations, today’s post, barrring a few minor edits, was written almost entirely by Redline Guide Jeffrey Shutak, the leader of the tour in the spotlight. Here it is, Jeffrey’s summary (followed by some of his excellent photos): What began as a planned hike […]

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Pre-Christmas Hike

A cool and interesting company, Ridj-it — a Boston carpool platform that helps connect adventurers for events like hiking with businesses such as ours — hired us for some training and adventure. Specifically we provided a day of winter skills and mountaineering training (along with another guest) followed by a hike. Originally on tap was an attempt on the 6288-foot Mt Washington — the tallest mountain […]

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Mt Washington Attempt

As much as we’d like to, we don’t always make the summit of Mt Washington when we try. Especially when the forecast calls for one thing while the mountain dishes up another. What looked to be a fairly mild day with manageable winds ended up offering winds that proved too much. This was a very late notice assignment that was led by Redline Guide Jeffrey Shutak. […]

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Another Guide Milestone

We love it when our guides do big things. Redline Guide Ken Hodges just finished summiting the highest 115 peaks in New England — better known as the NE115. This includes 48 mountains in NH, 46 in NY (Adirondacks), 14 in Maine, 5 in Vermont, then two more — Slide and Hunter — again in NY (Catskills). With two friends, Lynn and Celeste, I finally finished […]

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Two More for Monica

While we did officiate a couple of weddings over the Veteran’s Day weekend, it wasn’t the only thing we were up to. Redline Guide Howard Aronson also worked this past weekend both Saturday and Sunday. Both times he was leading a returning guest, Monica. To remind you, dear reader, or to inform new readers, Monica is from New York City and is working on her New […]

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Navigating the Fall

Historically, the fall has been an unpopular time to take a Wilderness Navigation class. It really makes no sense since the autumn is more comfortable, has fewer bugs, and the forest sightlines are improved after some of the leaves drop. In other words, it’s a great time to take this class. So, why most don’t is unusually inexplicable. We’re hoping, however, to change that this year. […]

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Guided Dry River Backpack

A gift of adventure. That’s what one mother bought for her adult daughter, Anne. Anne was curious about the wilderness areas in the Whites and wanted to improve her navigation and backpacking skills. This will all come in handy since she has plans — or at least a desire at this juncture — to hike the length of the Appalachian Trail (AT) from Springer Mountain in […]

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