While Mike was helping a couple tie the knot on the 2800′ Mt Willard, Redline Guide Ken Hodges was leading one returning guest across the street on an attempt of the 4310′ Mt Pierce — one of New Hampshire’s 48* 4000-footers (*subject to change). If you read that other article, you know the wind was howling. The temperatures weren’t very cold, though, but the windchill greatly affected that in open spaces, of course. Avoiding open spaces made sense. It’s why Ken ended up doing Pierce. You see, they were going to make an attempt on Washington, but that would have been dangerous and therefore unwise. Good call.

Yes, the trail was broken out… until they got up high, of course, where every night the erasers come in to clean up.

Safe in the shelter of the trees. For now.

Charged and ready to go! He was absolutely loving this.

A few of the essentials.

Gaining. Winter wonderland is the theme.

Soon they will break treeline. In this photo our guest was absolutely elated.

The summit, a foreboding place where the winds rocked them ceaselessly. And they loved it! See the smile?!
Congratulations on your summit, gentlemen. Great job, Ken.