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Category Archives: Trips

Training Team Baker

In preparation for their attempt on Mt Baker this June, our Baker Team got in some necessary training. All have had winter skills and mountaineering skills training so next on their list was to attend our Glacier Skills course (next one for them will be an on-mountain refresher). In addition to the day-long course led by Redline Guide Mike Cherim, the team also underwent a shakedown […]

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Two More 4000-Footers

A returning guest asked us for assistance once again in his pursuit of hiking the winter 4000-footers — the tallest mountains in the Whites. This time he requested two hikes, a day apart. The first was Mt Garfield. This was led by Redline Guide Ken Hodges. The second was Mt Lincoln and this was led by Redline Guide Jeffrey Shutak. Both trips were a success and […]

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Women’s Winter Hiking Intro

This was the second day of an event that initially took place last week. A women’s-only winter hiking intro course. This one was special as it was run by Redline Guide Arlette Laan, and she’s a bit of an expert. As this is being written, Arlette has spent far more time outside than inside in 2020, day and night, she had been after it doing a […]

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Classic Presi… Almost

The big ones in the north were done. The rest will remain for another day. The team started hours before the sun rose, but this was important so as to avoid inclement weather forecast for later on that day. As much as the they wanted to fly up the mountain to seize the ridge and start their winter Classic — Madison to Pierce — Presidential traverse, […]

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MLK Weekend Classes and Hikes

Best birthday ever! We get so busy that sometimes it’s just easier and more practical to consolidate. And over the past few days, we’ve been super busy. So this post is just going to whip it all up into one whirlwind post covering the past few days. But first, let’s looks at what went on. First we had a Ridj-it group come up from Boston to […]

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Undercast Sunrise on Adams

We have been helping a peakbagger with now only 23 peaks remaining finish his GRID (that means hiking all 48 4000-footers in every month of the year — 48×12=576 peaks). We have been assisting with some of the winter mountains. Obviously this guest is extremely experienced. He hires us because having a knowing companion in the less forgiving winter months is just plain smart. That knowledge […]

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A Winter Day

We have come to understand over the years that some folks don’t like the term “bluebird day.” We have no idea why this is, perhaps it’s too cliche. It makes little sense. Or it did make little sense. It has recently come to light that this entire dislike of the term was a trend started by the gray jays. Ahh, rearing its ugly head again, the […]

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Three Tours

We had three hiking tours out there in the White Mountains over the past two days and decided to consolidate them in one brief overview. The first was assisting a peakbagger with getting Madison and Adams in winter. On task for this was Redline Guide Ryan Mcguire. They were able to summit both mountains. The second tour was to assist another winter peakbagger with two peaks […]

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Danger Notification

Two days, one guest, intensive private training on day one followed by an ascent of Mount Washington on day two. This, among many activities, is what went on the past few days. Owner Mike Cherim led the training on day one, then Redline Guide Ryan Mcguire led the climb the next day. Oh, and what a day it was. We had long been hoping for snow, […]

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Snowy Kearsarge North

A returning guest visited us hoping to do some backcountry skiing. There was only one problem: the snow had just started falling that morning and it had so far been a lean snow year. In other words, we didn’t quite yet have enough of a base to ski on without trashing our gear. Redline Guide Ryan Mcguire, who was going to take him on the tour, […]

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A Number of Mt Washingtons

After a while the snow, rocks, and ice no longer look all the same. After a while every minor nuance on the mountain is a known thing, an old friend we recognize by their shape. We become very, very familiar. This is good, during a whiteout this familiarity can be super useful. The recognition of a lowly ice-encrusted mass of talus can keep us on the […]

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Winter Camping Clinic Success

We figured it would take about eight miles of extension cord to run space heaters at the shelter located at Ethan Pond — and that’s assuming the AMC would even let us plug in at the Highland Center. So, we just knew in our hearts there had to be a better way. And certainly, with our expertise we could come up with something. Perhaps by way […]

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