They had been out there before, they got the Twins, they got West Bond, but a lack of sleep and a motivation-crushing lack of views got in the way of them also getting the two other 4000-footers out yonder: Bond and Bondcliff. This time, coming in from the south so as to get the goods early on, they hoped to change all that and score both missing peaks. And they did. The following day they reversed direction, heading back, satisfied.

She’s back and she wants some revenge. (No, not for Mike’s coffee fail — though that would be justified.)

It’s a beautiful day, but there is some work involved.

Yes, the Bondcliff summit, 18/48!

Wow, just feast your eyes on this. Nice pano, Arlette.

Mt Bond is next, 19/48. Bravo!

They snag the last empty small platform. Only her second trip, our guest tries out her new backpacking gear. They relax in camp that afternoon.

The next day starts off cloudy but gets nicer later on. Here the team is descending Mt Bond.

Leading by example, Arlette offers a proof of concept. This classic photo. Our guest needs one.

She steps outside of her comfort zone and is rewarded with this awesome shot.

Tired but elated, our guest returns to civilization.
Good job, Arlette, and to our guest, way to get it this time. Congratulations. Thanks for choosing Redline Guiding.