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Category Archives: Trips

Right Side Up

According to the Mt Washington Avalanche Center (MWAC) the avalanche conditions were considered “High,” in the red, meaning natural avalanches are going to happen and human-triggered avalanches a certainty, overall pushing the risks to backcountry skiers and riders to the extreme. But it’s a powder day! Are we just going to sit here? We decided going in as far as we can go safely a sound […]

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Wintery Steeps for Fun

There once was time that it was inconceivable that the thing that just happened happened. That thing being a winter ascent of the “steeps” on the winter route of the Lion Head Trail. And not just an ascent our guest survived, we should note, but there was fun mixed in with the other senses being stimulated. The steeps, as they’re referred, are 3-4 “pitches” of very […]

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Pierce in Winter

Awaken from their winter slumber, it was time to hit the hills once again. This time our returning guests were shown the 4313-foot Mt Pierce. This, we say, is a good first 4000-footer. In this case, however, this was their fifth of the 48 — Redline Guide Pat Ferland leading this mother-son team each and every time before this. The mother’s change of job, we understand, […]

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February Finale

Things were so freaking crazy, Redline Guiding utilized 50% of its Mikes this past weekend! When things get super busy we start consolidating our media. This blog post is representative of one of those times. This weekend many students of various disciplines and climbers — some our returning friends from Veterans on the 48 — learned things and did things in our mountains. What follows in […]

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Another Attempt

Another Skills and Mt Washington weekend happened, this time a team of four friends were taught and led by Redline Guide Pat Ferland. On the morning of day one he shared with them the ins-and-outs of planning and preparing, covered everything from gear to gizmos needed to execute the climb. In the afternoon Pat took them to one of our local training grounds to cover the […]

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Hello Hiking (in Winter)

A really great daughter decided on a really great “gift of adventure” for her mom — she purchased a Redline Guiding gift certificate. Honestly, we’re honored that our services may be special enough to someone to qualify as a gift. And what a “great gift” it was. She would use it for a full-day hiking intro course, which features some boots-on-the-ground (or spikes-in-the-snow) action. The really […]

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Meanwhile, a Few Miles North

Long before operations on the Ammo were even underway, Redline Guide Will Murphy and a returning guest were leaving Appalachia behind making their way up to the ridgeline that connects the Northern Presidential peaks. The objective of the day was to hike an entire “Classic traverse” — meaning connecting the obligatory peaks through and including Mt Madison on the northern end and Mt Pierce as the […]

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Ammo in Winter

Our guest was quite experienced, but having never hiked the Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail — a.k.a. “the Ammo” — in winter, she wanted to have a companion for this attempt of Mt Washington’s summit via this route. She also hoped that she’d have a reason to don her new-ish crampons and try them out but as it turned out, spikes and snowshoes were all that was needed. […]

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Navigate to the Rising Sun

They say if you don’t know where you are or where you’re going, you might just be lost. We’re here to help people fix that. A Delawarean came to us with a little time in her schedule and a desire to be in the know when up here, out there, amid our Forest… and others. She wanted to be one who is oriented and sufficiently armed […]

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Windy Winter Presidential

The team, led by Redline Guide Will Murphy, having spotted a car at the south end of the range, was ready to carpool to the north end, namely the Appalachia Trailhead, and begin their two-day, one-night winter Presi Traverse. This is such an epic! Never an easy feat, bagging all those 4000-footers (several over 5000-feet, one over six), and a demanding endeavor even to the best […]

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A Twin, Galehead, and Moose

A returning guest working on his winter 4000-footers needed South Twin (4899′), Galehead (4029′), and Moosilauke (4800′). He needs others, too, but they targeted these during this trip. On lead for the first trip was Redline Guide Brian Wasiewski. On for day two was Redline Guide Mike Maciel who reported April-like weather. Both guides took a number of photos of day one and day two, as […]

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Training on Ice and Snow

The temperatures were mild for February, which means it was warmer than it should be. Which also means the suffering was held to a minimum. And that part’s good — our students were comfortable during their basic mountaineering skills and introduction to ice climbing classes. These were led with Redline Guides Mike Cherim and Mike Maciel taking on the mountaineering skills, while Redline Guide Pat Ferland […]

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