A new guest, a fit and experienced hiker and runner, wanted company on a trek so we put him with one of our newest Redline Guides, John Bergman. We felt it’d be a good fit. John’s long been an all-season hike leader in this area — new only to guiding for Redline Guiding, but not new to the craft. Having hiked all the 4000-footers in New Hampshire in every month of the year — the GRID, as it’s known — John really knows the White Mountain National Forest along with its rugged trails and mountains, quite well — in all its disguises.
The mountains didn’t put up much of a fuss today. Access granted, so to speak. The team ultimately ended up hiking Mt Moosilauke (4800′ (see note)). John’s knowledge and experience put them on a route that maximized much of the mountain’s awesomeness: The alpine summit, the krummholz, the South Peak, and great trails. John reported conditions were surprisingly dry. The team saw, met, and chatted with a number of other hikers on the summit. It was just one of those careful, casual mountain days.
On the South Peak they enjoyed views stretching back to main summit and beyond to the east. And to the west, smaller 52 With-A-View peaks like Smarts Mountain and Mt Cube could be seen. Even Vermont’s Green Mountains were plainly visible. All in all, and we are quoting our guest, he had a “wonderful experience.” John grabbed the following photos along the way.

Note: The 4802′ elevation shown on the sign has been updated to 4800′ LIDAR elevation in the AMC’s White Mountain Guidebook.