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The Battle of Dartmouth

It should say The Battle of Millen Hill even though the larger Mt Dartmouth was the main objective, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s start at the beginning. A week ago Redline Guide Mike Cherim began teaching a single, young student — 13-year-old Sage — on the first of two days of private, intense Wilderness Navigation training. This training was very similar, in fact, to […]

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‘ello Wilderness

A father and son from London, England, wanted a wilderness backpacking experience and one as true to the real thing as possible here in New Hampshire. While wilderness tentsites were okay, we opted to avoid platforms and shelters to help deliver the experience they requested. After some discussion, we decided to take them to the Wild River Wilderness. Its qualities are a wilder wilderness with fewer […]

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Spreading the JAM

In longhand that refers to the traversing the three mountains — Mts Jefferson, Adams, and Madison (5716′, 5799′, and 5366′, respectively) — that qualify as NH 4000-footers on the northern end of New Hampshire’s hopelessly rugged Presidential Range. And that’s what returning guest Linda did under the watchful eye of Redline Guide Jean Lee during a one-day crossing. As per our plan the duo started on […]

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Wild Exploration Adventures

We are creating a series of hiking adventures that will take participants off the beaten track to explore areas of the White Mountain National Forest that few ever visit. We will be bushwhacking, using old trails, following terrain features like slides, navigating by map and compass, and more. If you’ve ever taken one of our Wilderness Navigation courses this may be a perfect opportunity to put […]

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Guiding in the Wilds

Yet another guest working on the AMC’s New England Hundred Highest list came to us looking for knowledgeable companionship and guidance. We happily obliged. On the job was Redline Guide Ken Hodges. Shadowing Ken was the newest member of our team, Ryan Mcguire. On the agenda for the day was the 3862-foot Vose Spur — one we’ve guided before. And like the last trip, it sounded […]

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Successful Trails Day

We cleared seventy waterbars! We recently announced our First Annual Volunteer Trails Day. Our thinking was, as a company, to organize a way for folks to give back to the White Mountain National Forest. For hikers, a great way to do this is to maintain the hiking trails. Doing so preserves and protects them. And it’s sorely needed. Hikers may not realize how much impact they […]

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Overnight Alpine Tour

A returning guest and amateur photographer, Linda, made a request to basically be in the alpine zone from sun-up to sundown, to make use of those golden hours shutterbugs love so much, summit Mt Monroe, and summit Mt Washington. And, during it all be informed about the alpine flora she wanted to photograph. Not just a hike, but a nature tour as well. It was suggested […]

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They Meant Every Word

Teaching someone the art of navigation or some other backcountry craft is immensely satisfying. So is introducing someone to our incredible mountains for their very first time. But both of these pale in comparison to the incredible feeling of satisfaction we derive from performing weddings, uniting two souls for a future of togetherness that continues on ’til death do you part. It’s special. And special describes […]

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2018 Hiker Safety Pamphlets

Since it was so well received last year, we decided to do it again. PRINT IT YOURSELF: Download as a PDF file for the option to print-it-yourself. Project Sponsors and Supporters… Thank you! We are pleased to announce the availability of hiker safety brochures. These mini trifold pamphlets — which offer tips, advice, and generally helpful hiking-related information geared toward White Mountain National Forest visitors — […]

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Anatomy of a Rescue

If you’re injured in the backcountry there are possible many scenarios with many outcomes, but most have one thing in common: Rescue will take longer than one may expect. To give a clearer understanding of why, this fictional tale describes a typical rescue from start to finish. Chapter 1: The Situation To begin our story, let’s consider this: It is early June and you’re hiking a […]

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Montanha do Pico

Redline Guides Álvaro Marques and Ken Hodges haven’t been around all week. They’ve been hiking in Portugal — the country Álvaro hails from. Not just any old hiking, either. On this trip they had their sights set on the 7713-foot (2351m) Montanha do Pico (Mt Pico) the country’s tallest mountain. Specifically Mt Pico is a stratovolcano located on Pico Island in the mid-Atlantic archipelago of the […]

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Four Days of NH Hiking

To those in the know, four days of back-to-back hiking here in our rugged New Hampshire mountains is not something to be overlooked. When it’s done by a guest from Florida who despite having the best in mountainesque gadgetry is unable to actually get out there to hike mountains, it’s even more impressive. And that’s exactly what our Floridian visitor did over the long weekend. And […]

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