Larry & Mary: Formal Outdoor Wedding at the Highland Center
This was a beautiful event with an exact choreography and some specific requests Mike was all too happy to fulfill. Several family members were also invited to the altar to say a few words to the bride and groom and the congregation. Here a few photos of the lovely event.

The Highland Center in Crawford Notch is a pretty site for a wedding.

The groom prepares with his father’s help.

Here comes the bride…

What a great looking couple. Congratulations!

And there they go, before them their future.
Congratulations Larry and Mary. Thank you for choosing Redline Guiding.
Earl & Sheana: Casual Summit Wedding on Mt Washington
After the last wedding, Mike drove over to the Cog Base and ascended the mountain via the train. He was accompanying another couple planning to tie the knot at the summit that afternoon. They found a nice natural nook in the rocks on the west side of the Tip-Top House and enjoy a quiet, simple ceremony amid close family and friends.

All aboard. The last couple planned to do the same an hour after this trip.

We were stuck in traffic!

The alpine tundra. Gorgeous.

What a great backdrop for a rock solid wedding.

What a happy looking couple!
Congratulations Earl and Sheana. Thank you for choosing Redline Guiding.
Roland and Casey: A Semi-Formal Wedding Way Up Nawth in Colebrook
The following day Mike drove a couple hours north for yet another wedding. Far north! All the way to the lovely Beaver Brook Falls State Wayside on Route 145. To be found there was a large, pretty cascade. In the company of family and friends the couple was wed at the foot of the falls.

What a lovely, accessible approach.

A great cascade.

Here comes the groom.

And soon after, the bride follows.

Very sharp!
Congratulations Roland and Casey. Thank you for choosing Redline Guiding.