She asked us a simple question: Can I bring my dog with me on a guided hike?. To which we promptly replied: yes, but there are restrictions and requirements. We were ready for this question because a prior guest had asked it previously. Now it was in our FAQs. In short, to accommodate a guest bringing a dog, we observe the items in the following list:
- Tours must be booked as “Private” because we only want owner/owner’s group and the animal to be on the hike. To do otherwise would be unfair to other guests.
- The animal must be capable of doing what the owner wants to do. We figure dogs are like people in that unless they regularly hike, they need to ease in. The paws need to be watched closely.
- The dog must be leashed and in the complete control of the owner. That said, it may be quite possible to let certain animals walk free of the leash in certain places for a period of time.
Hello Bodie
Our guest-to-be assured us her 18 month old Australian shepherd, Bodie, was quite fit, yet she wanted to be very careful not to push her young dog too much so had her own requirements of us. For one thing she wanted to be sure water would be present at least partly on these hikes. She also asked that the trails not be too rough. We had some ideas:
Day One: Zealand, Ethan Pond, Thoreau Falls
Day one had Redline Guide Ryan Mcguire in the lead. After meeting at our Basecamp to meet up, be introduced to Bodie, and confirm gear, they were off to do their thing. Ryan supplied these photos.

Our team rests at Zealand Hut before hitting the trail again.

Bodie really enjoys the water.

Thoreau Falls.

Ethan Pond Trail — a section of the AT — through Zealand Notch.
Day Two: Lonesome Lake, Arethusa Falls
Day two had Redline Guide Jeffrey Shutak in the lead. Starting in the same fashion, they headed west to Franconia Notch with Lonesome Lake in their sights, with the idea of hiking to Arethusa Falls afterward. Check out Jeff’s photos:

On the way to Lonesome Lake.

One of these ducks looks like a dog!

One of the falls on Bemis Brook.

Hanging out at Arethusa Falls.
By the sounds of it, everyone had a great time. Our guest, Bodie, and both guides. Fine lead Ryan and Jeffrey! Great job everyone! Woof-woof, Bodie! Thank you for choosing Redline Guiding!