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Author Archives: Mike Cherim

Taming the Elephant

AT 3772-feet (or 3774-feet, depending on where you look), Maine’s Elephant Mountain is on the list of New England’s Hundred Highest peaks. Needing this summit were two individual guests — both returning — and since they were willing to go on the same trip, they both got it done. We felt the two would be a good match on the hike together, and so did the […]

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Splitting the Pemi

Our guest wanted two 4000-footers, and brand new Redline Guide Phoebe Seltzer delivered the goods, opting to bisect the Pemigewasset Wilderness. After a lot of discussion, a lot of consideration going back and forth, but ultimately given some autonomy to take charge and design the trip for our returning guest herself, we feel it was a grand success, and our guest very pleased. Phoebe offered this […]

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We’re Five Now

We officially opened our doors on October 17th, 2016. This means we are now five years and one day old — since we didn’t get to this post yesterday. We’re working on becoming six. If we were a human child we would be able to hold a decent and entertaining conversation with an adult right about now, and we’d be headed off to kindergarten, ready to […]

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Quarter Pounder with Cheese

The mesocorticolimbic circuit — also known as the “reward system” — is, as Google offered: “a group of neural structures responsible for incentive salience (i.e., wanting; a desire or craving for a reward and motivation), associative learning (primarily positive reinforcement and classical conditioning), and positively-valenced emotions, particularly ones involving pleasure as a core component.” Pleasure such as being rewarded for a hike with “Quarter Pounder with […]

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Three in Maine

Three guests needing three Maine peaks on the way toward completing their New England Hundred Highest. Seems like a natural so we sent them up with Redline Guide Ken Hodges for a couple days of hiking — bushwhacking back roads and herd paths, looking for the tops of bumps where moose skulls live. Check it out in this short compilation video we made. Great job, team. […]

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Hiking the Carters

A returning guest working on her 48 New Hampshire 4000-footers needed South and Middle Carter for numbers 40 and 41 on her pursuit of completing this list. We were there to help. Specifically on assignment with this was Redline Guide Howard Aronson. Howard, and our guest, managed to grab a fair amount of photo and video content that we just had to put to use and […]

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99 Via Huntington

Capable people hire us to lead on Huntington Ravine Trail. That “hiking” route can be dangerous, tricky to navigate, sometimes unforgiving, and it’s well known that the consequences for screw-ups there are, well, pretty consequential. There is a history of injuries and even deaths. The Huntington Ravine Trail has a deserved reputation so there, on that hiking trail, factors like good weather are key, as are […]

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A Pine Mountain Wedding

At 2410′ Pine Mountain isn’t Gorham NH’s tallest mountain, but it sure is a pretty one — one worthy of the 52 With-A-View list. We always thought Chapel Rock situated on the lower east summit, in particular, would make for a nice setting for a wedding. Finally it happened. With the cooperation of and blessings from The Horton Center, Jess and Adam became newlyweds at Chapel […]

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Mansfield Attempt

We pride ourselves in being able to extend our services outside New Hampshire. Maine, for example, is often the home of one of our guests’ objectives. As is Vermont, though less so. But this was one of those times. Our guest wanted to make an attempt of Mt Mansfield — which at 4,393′ is Vermont’s tallest mountain. On assignment for this trip was Redline Guide Pat […]

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Married on Bondcliff

We just knew it. It was an inevitability. We knew that one day, someone was going to ask for it. They were going to say something along the lines of “we want to be married on Bondcliff.” To which we knew we would reply, “heck yeah!” For those not in the know, Bondcliff is a stunningly beautiful mountain located in the heart of the Pemigewasset Wilderness. […]

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Alaska and Florida in NH

She called us from Alaska of all places, hoping to visit New Hampshire and check out what we had to offer, maybe do some Hiking or have a bit of a Nature Tour. She planned to bring a friend with her, she advised. Another hiker from Alaska, we thought, but no. Her friend wasn’t really into hiking (yet), and she was from Florida of all places. […]

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Done Dug Deep

Deep digging is what it took to get it done, summarized in one line: “What she lacked in speed she made up with grit and determination.” This is what Redline Guide Jeffrey Shutak said of the guest he just led on a classic Franconia Ridge Loop hike. The team had a terrific day up there with some of the highlights present in the photos below. First, […]

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