Variety is the spice of life and that’s what we’re all about. Thus, this post is going to be made in lieu of a video on our YouTube channel. We feel the media taken and received — mostly photos — will fit better here. As we up our video game, the source material will need to follow suit. It’s all part of our development. In the meantime, let’s talk about this week’s activities — all hiking in this case.
Guest One: Hiking the Tripyramids
It began with Redline Guide Pat Ferland leading a returning guest on two NH 4000-footers, namely North and Middle Tripyramid. He needed these peaks as he is working on the list. Here are a few photos of their trip:

Pine Bend Brook and Sabbaday Brook Trails required some water crossing skills.

Exciting times in the Sandwich Range Wilderness.

The limited views from North Tripyramid still wow us.

Stunning Views from the summit of Middle Tripyramid.

The team is rewarded with an amazing day. Congratulations on two more 4000-footers!
Guest Two: Senderismo Pequeñas Montañas
Up next we have one guest from Uruguay, South America, visiting our state/country, hoping to check out some smaller mountains, earning some views without investing too much physically, but not looking for a free ride, either. This is all part of our charm. You want big, we got it, and if you want small, we have that, too.
Day 1. Black Cap Mountain
This small North Conway mountain was a good gateway to test our guest a little bit while delivery some pretty sublime views in what some might call a more leisurely hike. Our guest was delighted with the mountain offering her everything she wanted while not going overboard. It was important, after all, that we preserved her for two more hikes. This hike was led by Redline Guide Mike Cherim.

The vibrant green of the Northern Mixed Forest in spring. Lovely.

Mastering the use of trekking poles during the ascent.

Black Cap offers some stunning ledges, but nothing to compare with tomorrow’s hike (yeah, keep reading)!

Mike and our guest taking a summit selfie.
Day 2. Whitehorse Ledge via Cathedral
Originally our guest had heard of and requested Bald Mountain and Artists’ Bluff, but in the eleventh hour the plan was changed to something more local to limit the driving. Specifically Redline Guide Phoebe Seltzer opted to lead her to the summit of Whitehorse Ledge — an objective our guest had a chance to lay her eyes on the day before fro Black Cap. To access, the team would drive to the top of Cathedral Ledge making the hike from there. This would be the most physically demanding day of the three, but our guest was stoked to get it done, admitting it did test her a bit.

Easy rewards at Cathedral as they drive up.

Tough climbing on the steeps between the two lumps of rock.

This rocks!

Wow, love this!

That was one well-earned hike! “It was really great! You weren’t kidding! It was challenging but I’m really glad I made it!”
Day 3. Mount Willard
On the last day, in keeping the bar raised while maintaining do-ability, Redline Guide Tim Jones led our guest on Mt Willard — one of the 52 With-a-View mountains. Our guest offered this single photo. She did tell us that this, too, was a good fit and that she was delighted with the outcome of her three days with us. The guides all received her praises.

The view of Crawford Notch from Mt Willard. Guest-supplied photo (thank you)