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Weekend Navigation Class

Two groups of students, one with six people, the other with two, came together for two days of map and compass and brain class with Redline Guiding. Day one featured the standard full day Wilderness Navigation course. Day two was a brief re-cap of day one then the students were to create a bushwhack plan — one we’d end up not doing due to high water levels coupled with a questionable forecast. The questionable part didn’t last long, however. As soon as the day began it started to rain and it never stopped. We done good. Skipping Plan A was far smarter than we realized at the time. We got lucky and made the right call. Day two ended up being a bushwhack that we had planned on day one and had probably planned it over 100 times but had never actually executed the thing. For those who know, we finally ‘shwhacked from Little Wildcat Brook to Thompson Falls (this time with a small deviation added). Honestly the students nailed it working well together, and totally hitting the falls just below them… exactly as planned! We’re very impressed with the outcome and our students should be proud of themselves. Teaching this was Redline Guides Mike Cherim and Ken Hodges. Both instructors supplied the following photos…

Day One: Full Day Wilderness Navigation Class

Day Two: Putting the Skills to Use

Great job one and all. Thank you for choosing Redline Guiding for your Wilderness Education!

Side note: Yes, as the observant will realize, we have gone to the dogs!

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