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Category Archives: Trips

Two for Four

Two days, that’s what four people from the mid-Atlantic wanted. A day of hiking, a down day with more hiking (but on their own), then a final guided hike day to cap it off — after taking an unforeseen rain day. These two leads were handled by Redline Guides Chase Hall and Pat Ferland. Chase took lead on their first day (filling in for Ken), then […]

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Two Sisters Meet The Owl

To our regular readers, you may recall the blog post about two sisters. Doing crazy stuff in the Northern Presidentials, they were. Well, they’re back. This time the objective isn’t quite as exposed as it was on that last trip, but a gnarly water crossing takes center stage in this program of concerns, and rightfully so. We’re talking about Owls Head, the lowly 4029-foot hump in […]

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A Semi Pemi

The “Pemi Loop” roughly encircles the Pemigewasset Wilderness encompassing a number of our beloved 4000-footers along the rim — 8 to 12 of them depending on what electives are sought after. Hiking this loop is a bit of a rite of passage. How it’s hiked is somewhat subjective and determined by someone’s desire, ability, and endurance, and coupled probably to their list needs. The rough distance […]

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That Was The Best

The best mountain for our guest, the best weather for hard hiking, and the best time possible with her Redline Guide, Chase Hall. Up the Ammo, to Lakes, to Monroe (1/48), across the desolate wastelands to a partially obscured pile of rocks (2/48… boom). After a stop at the top, back they went across the desolate wastelands to a partially obscured exit. They winds up there […]

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Tough Huntington Conditions

Whenever we’re tasked with leading someone on Huntington Ravine Trail, a question or three about iffy ground conditions will often be brought up. Asking what we do if it rains is common. In most cases, especially if the rain will be steady and/or heavy — nobody likes those conditions — we will usually reschedule. But if it’s light, scattered, and doable based on the opinion of […]

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It’s Right There

Sometimes we head into the mountains to hike without a summit in mind. Sometimes we just want to take on some trail, visit some feature, or take in some view. Nothing wrong with this but, but, but… what is that calling? Is it calling to us? What on earth is that? Is that a mountain? Is that mountain calling to us?! Damn that John Muir. You […]

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Playing Catch-Up

More will post in the morning, and some have already been published. We’ve been a little busy and we’re playing catch-up. Redline Guides Mike Cherim and Ken Hodges were teaching a two-day Wilderness Navigation course, for example. Then there was the history- and geology-focused Nature Tour Mike led in Crawford Notch (done mostly in his Jeep since it was pouring buckets). This was all while Ken […]

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Sisters on a Quest

Sometimes we struggle with our writing. We search for the perfect words that perfectly describe what we want them to. And usually we succeed (or we hope so, anyway). And sometimes we don’t have to. Sometimes we don’t have to find the best words to describe the task at hand or the struggle experienced up to that point because sometimes, just sometimes, one of our awesome […]

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The Wild Franconia Alpine

There was more than one party up in our mountains today. Redline Guide Pat Ferland was likewise up there leading two ladies from Canada along the Franconia Ridge taking them on what has become a classic and very popular loop. With support from home (thanks Julie), they were able to bypass the parking challenges associated with that trailhead. For our guests, this gained them two of […]

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2 Hikers, 2 Hikes, 2 Days

Two fellows looking for two hikes over a period of two days. Specifically, on day one they took on and conquered Mt Pierce (4313′). On day two, they wanted something different. Their guide Redline Guide John Bergman, opted to take them on Zealand Trail, brought them into the spectacular Zealand Notch, and had them check out Zealand Falls and the Hut where they enjoy coffee and […]

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That Last Mile

It was still a full day, but Redline Guide Phoebe Seltzer, we noticed, checked back in earlier than anticipated. She predicted an 8-10 hour day. The objective was to ascend the Ammo, get on Crawford Path, summit Mt Washington — if its weather allowed it — then take Gulfside to Jewell. A fairly standard loop. The weather, though, ugh. It was nice in town, but up […]

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Mt Washington on Demand

This Mt Washington hike was for a mother and son. The son wanted it; it was on his to-do list. The mom, being supportive, went along with it making it all happen for her newly minted teenager. On lead for this hike was Redline Guide Howard Aronson. Howard led them both up the Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail, to Crawford Path — which just happens to be the […]

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