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Category Archives: Trips

Nature Tour to the Nth

What began life as a full day Nature Tour featuring Franconia Notch and some of what it has to offer, ended up being quite a bit more. As it turned out the visiting Connecticut couple had a lot of energy so adding a quick 4000-footer in the tour mix seemed feasible. Redline Guide Mike Maciel sent us a text detailing the change. And speaking of detailing. […]

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All Coming Together

We just guided a rock star of the New Hampshire hiking community. Specifically Redline Guide Chase Hall did. The rockstar was a guest who is creatively getting to the end of not one but three lists — not including her finish of the RMC-100 list which was completed on this trip, as was The Northern Peaks and the Great Gulf tab of the red-lining spreadsheet. Today, […]

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Owls Head After the Storm

We thought twice, then once more for good measure, wondering if not worried about the feasibility and safety of the hike coming up. It wasn’t a bad one. It was the 4029-foot Owls Head Mountain, just a long one. One of the 48 — and it was the 48 for this guest (congratulations)! This tour was led by Redline Guide Dominic Torro. The questioning was present […]

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Life Goals: Mt Washington

He wasn’t driven by lists. He wanted the mountain because it was there, because it called to him, because it was on his bucket list, and because of its formidable reputation. He wanted us because nobody in his own circles was jumping at the chance and he really wanted a companion for this one. It was time to hire a guide. The title tells the tale, […]

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A Little Scar

The other day, maybe last week, Redline Guide Pat Ferland went on a little hike on his day off taking on one of the New England Hundred Highest, for fun it might seem to the casual observer. But we knew he was on a reconnaissance mission knowing a paid gig for finding the same objective was right around the corner. He hadn’t been up that one, […]

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The Cure for Isolation

Don’t want to take on the 4004-foot Mt Isolation in isolation? You don’t have to mess with that peak, or any other for that matter, by yourself. Not with Redline Guide Chase Hall leading the way, on this day a private tour. They went the Glen Boulder way, too. Sure, you have to hike to over 5000-feet before dropping down to a hair over 4000-feet. Oh, […]

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Navigating Three Weddings

Navigating three weddings then adding navigation — to be precise. That’s what was in store for Redline Guide, and this weekend mostly JP, Mike Cherim. A Labor Day weekend of labor, though all truly a labor of love. Mike officiated two weddings Saturday, one at Saco Lake, the birthplace of the Saco River, and the other at Indian Head Resort in Lincoln. This act was followed […]

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A Perfect Fit’s No Accident

The collective experience of our guides is impressive. It’s true, and we are quick to boldly remind anyone who may forget. That experience leads to some excellent customized planning and decision-making on our hikes and backpacks. We know it’s all magic out there and it’s hard to go wrong, but with the guide’s understanding and deep knowledge, we are able to provide some fine, premium adventures. […]

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Traversing the Mahoosucs

We are often heard talking about this 4000-footer or that one, or this wilderness or that one, even giving equal time to 25 terrifying trails or those 52 other mountains people like so much. But, every once in a while we’ll slip in some trip in the Mahoosucs or something wild like it. For those who don’t know, the 32~ mile Mahoosuc Range is tough, rugged, […]

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Linking the High Huts

Chase was dealt a tough hand today and he handled it exceptionally well. On the northern Presidential Range, nestled in the col between Mt Adams and Madison, one will find the AMC’s Madison Spring Hut. This is an overnight option for some who want to position themselves amid the clouds, most notably for a “Presidential Traverse” the following day. It’s a tempting option for some, glamping […]

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Mt Clay… the Bonus Peak

A New York City couple looking for a private tour (hence no guest images) wanted the 6288′ Mt Washington. Assigned to lead them was Redline Guide Pat Ferland and lead them he did. Not only did they summit the Rock Pile, but expanding their loop (since they were feelin’ it) he also took them onto the 5531′ Mt Clay. Interestingly, even though the lovely and very […]

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Two for Four

Two days, that’s what four people from the mid-Atlantic wanted. A day of hiking, a down day with more hiking (but on their own), then a final guided hike day to cap it off — after taking an unforeseen rain day. These two leads were handled by Redline Guides Chase Hall and Pat Ferland. Chase took lead on their first day (filling in for Ken), then […]

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