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Another Busy Weekend

Sometimes there’s no way we can keep up with trip reports. Just too much going on. We’re not complaining at all, but we are having to consolidate the weekend’s activities into a single post. So, without further ado, here we go: Friday: Guide-Ready Navigation Class Redline Guide Mike Cherim taught one student Wilderness Navigation helping him prepare for the oral boards on his NHF&G guide exam. […]

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The Need to Move

If you hike in the winter, you already know what it’s like, right? You start off cold… whoa, wait, back up. You actually start off warm, in bed, forcing yourself awake at the bequest of an annoying alarm. It’s time to get cold. You go through your morning routine warming up as you do then head outside into the dark, Arctic air to freeze again. You […]

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Train and Climb

As we do on so many winter weekends, we trained a couple of groups of hikers (including one from the Hike the 4000-Footers on NH group on Facebook), and we attempted to lead one group to the 6288-foot Mt Washington summit. Unfortunately, as is sometimes the case, the weather up there proved a bit too disconcerting. The team — a group of awesome folks from Ridj-it […]

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Number Eighteen

“It’s a good number,” she said, then added: “It has meaning; it’s spiritual — and it has always had significance.” For our returning guest, the 4006′ Mt Waumbek was her 18th — 18 out of 48 as it concerns hiking all the 4000-footers in N.H. that is. And helping her reach this summit, this important number, was Redline Guide Jeffrey Shutak. The hike was an uneventful […]

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Training Team Baker

In preparation for their attempt on Mt Baker this June, our Baker Team got in some necessary training. All have had winter skills and mountaineering skills training so next on their list was to attend our Glacier Skills course (next one for them will be an on-mountain refresher). In addition to the day-long course led by Redline Guide Mike Cherim, the team also underwent a shakedown […]

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Two More 4000-Footers

A returning guest asked us for assistance once again in his pursuit of hiking the winter 4000-footers — the tallest mountains in the Whites. This time he requested two hikes, a day apart. The first was Mt Garfield. This was led by Redline Guide Ken Hodges. The second was Mt Lincoln and this was led by Redline Guide Jeffrey Shutak. Both trips were a success and […]

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Women’s Winter Hiking Intro

This was the second day of an event that initially took place last week. A women’s-only winter hiking intro course. This one was special as it was run by Redline Guide Arlette Laan, and she’s a bit of an expert. As this is being written, Arlette has spent far more time outside than inside in 2020, day and night, she had been after it doing a […]

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Classic Presi… Almost

The big ones in the north were done. The rest will remain for another day. The team started hours before the sun rose, but this was important so as to avoid inclement weather forecast for later on that day. As much as the they wanted to fly up the mountain to seize the ridge and start their winter Classic — Madison to Pierce — Presidential traverse, […]

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White Mountain Outdoor Fest

Outdoor recreation organizations are teaming up with the Mt Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce to bring you the very first White Mountain Outdoor Fest — June 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th, 2020. There will be mountain biking, trail running, a 5k run/walk, road biking, kayaking, hiking with Redline Guiding, stewardship, clinics, demonstrations, music, food, and probably more, all available at the first ever White Mountain Outdoor […]

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MLK Weekend Classes and Hikes

Best birthday ever! We get so busy that sometimes it’s just easier and more practical to consolidate. And over the past few days, we’ve been super busy. So this post is just going to whip it all up into one whirlwind post covering the past few days. But first, let’s looks at what went on. First we had a Ridj-it group come up from Boston to […]

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It’s All About the Guides

It’s hard to keep up with all the cool things our guides do, but some things do stand out… Arlette Laan Awarded #1 Fastest Known Time of the Year (FKTOY), Female Hiking a diettissima, at least here in the White Mountain National Forest, refers to hiking all 48 of the 4000-footers in one continuous hike. This can be done supported (people can help), self-supported (you stash […]

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Sabbaday Snowstorm Wedding

Billy Idol would have said that it was a nice day for a white wedding and we would have to wholeheartedly agree. And so would the bride and groom. You see, this snowy day wedding was requested. The couple, from Florida, wanted to have a wedding in the woods, snowy and beautiful. This was her wish, in particular. To walk into the snow laden forest and […]

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