Our guest needed two of our taller 4000-footers — Mts Adams and Jefferson — for her list. We were there to help. Being that she already hiked Mt Madison on another excursion, this Northern Presidential traverse could be abbreviated at the start so Redline Guide Arlette Laan lead her up Valley Way. Perfect. So that’s what they did. Adams fell, and so did Jefferson. There was potential to do more, elements were even in place to support it, but the day felt pretty complete after getting Jefferson so the team headed over to Jewell Trail (after a quick detour to the Cog tracks for a photo) to make the descent. The weather was both horrible and magnificent and it’s certain to say our guest was entirely awed by the spectacle. They were in and out of the clouds in the morning with temperatures ranging from very chilly and needing gloves while hiking in clouds — Edmand’s Col was downright unpleasant — to enjoying the sunshine later in the day. At the summit of Adams they had a great undercast with Washington playing pee-ka-boo. We love it. Check out these photos of their trip taken by Arlette (unless marked):

John Quincy Adams, one of the five peaks, dominates the view as they emerge from Valley Way.

Arlette loves being a guide. She loves to share the awesomeness.

Madison is so conical from this perspective.

Great Gulfside Trail perspective as they approach Adams.

Mt Washington playing pee-a-boo.

Arlette enjoying the amazing views from atop Mt Adams. Peak number one is done! (Courtesy guest photo.)

Oh, no, wait a minute. What happened to the views?

Edmand’s Col. Brrr.

Jefferson, in and out of the clouds like Adams, is next to fall.

Jefferson, at this moment, is but two things: rock and cloud.

Leaving Jefferson. The team has a view again. They say if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute.

The Northern Presidentials are an amazing place. We love it. (Courtesy guest photo.)

In hindsight… wow, what an incredible day. On so many levels. Well done.
Good lead, Arlette, as always. And great job, team. Thank you for adventuring with Redline Guiding.