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Two for Two, for Two

Two adventures, two days, for two people. We are happy to team up with International Mountain Climbing School (IMCS) of North Conway to introduce an exciting late-season special. We’re offering two full days of adventuring fun for you and your buddy or significant other. On the first day hike or scramble with a Redline Guiding guide and explore some of our White Mountains awesomeness by way […]

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WFA Graduates

Well done congratulations to one and all. We’re offering four opportunities for people to earn their Wilderness First Aid credentials this year by offering discounted SOLO WFA classes. Two have been completed so far, and we have two more to go for 2017, one on the weekend of October 21st-22nd, then another on the weekend of November 11th-12th. We still have spaces for these open-to-the-public courses. […]

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Bumpier Than Ohio

We had another guest from Ohio yesterday (10/6) who requested a Nature Tour so needless to say (but we will anyway) we put Redline Guide and Naturalist Liz Wyman on it. Originally our guest, Laura, wanted to head up to Mt Washington. She was hoping to drive up then hike to the Lakes of the Clouds hut and back, being informed about the alpine flora and […]

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Learn, Then Practice

For the past two days a returning guest, Andrew (from New York City) participated in a comprehensive hiking introduction course, then followed it up with a significant guided hiking adventure. Day one was spent with Redline Guide and owner Mike Cherim who was Andy’s private instructor. Day two, Redline Guide Jeffrey Shutak led Andy in an attempt on the 3268-foot Kearsarge North summit. Originally, Jeffrey had […]

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Stairs Mountain Backpack

A returning guest, Jim, wanted to delve deeper into backpacking, to refine his skills, and train to increase his mountain toughness, so to speak. The ultimate goal being to backpack a “Pemi Loop” — a demanding 32-mile test of one’s backpacking mettle. This was training. Since Jim had such a good experience with us previously, having a training day followed by an epic adventure, he called […]

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Autumn’s Hidden Dangers

Six Fall Hazards Hikers Need to Know Hiking is a great sport at any time of year, and each season has something wonderful to offer. Winter offers up its easier-to-stay-cool temperatures, thinner crowds, and diamond quality views. It’s less forgiving, but worth it to many. Spring gives us its new growth greens as nature’s baby… it’s a lovely time to hike. Summer is the carefree time, […]

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Huntington Ravine Ascents

It is said that the Huntington Ravine Trail, which ascends Mt Washington (6288′), is the single most challenging regular hiking trail in the White Mountain National Forest. This is true… arguably. There are sections of other trails that momentarily surpass the peak challenges or cruxes Huntington offers, like the bottom third (or less) of the Mt Tripyramid Trail’s “North Slide” as but one, but due to […]

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Tours with Lisa, Part 2

Remember Lisa? It wasn’t long ago so you probably do if you follow us on Facebook (or subscribe to our blog… see sidebar). Lisa hired us to tackle Mt Lafayette, Lincoln, and the peaks along the northern half of the Franconia Ridge. She did great with her first goal making a successful loop and was ready for some more. The ridge she did is a classic. […]

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Tours with Lisa, Part 1

We had Redline Guide Ken Hodges out there again, this time with a guest from Ohio named Lisa. The objective — the first of two over three days (the second hike will happen tomorrow) — was a New Hampshire classic: the Franconia Ridge Loop hike. How much of a classic is this one? Well, if you Google “Most Beautiful Hike in NH” (which we don’t necessarily […]

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Red ine Guiding’s Missing L

Last year while starting this company, we had a million little projects going on in preparation. One such project was to create bumper stickers. The plan was to spread them around, give them to guests, etc. We created a design featuring our custom modified typeface (it’s called Adventure), along with our tagline and a QR (Quick Response) code. We then sought a printer for our stickers. […]

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Guided Mt Carrigain Hike

One of the most popular 4000-footers in New Hampshire is the 4700-foot Mt Carrigain. The reason for its popularity is two-fold: first of all the summit features a raised steel and wood observation deck; and second, from that lofty perch hikers can enjoy simply stunning 360-degree views. Moreover, according to Redline Guide Howard Aronson — today’s hike leader — 44 of the 48 4000-footers are visible […]

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Sunrise Summit Wedding

It seems like just last week that we were contacted by Elizabeth. She and her fiancĂ©, Tom, she explained wanted to tie the knot. Moreover, they wanted to do it on a mountain top or something really cool and magical like that. After some conversation, gauging drive distances and such — as they were located in Lebanon, NH — we suggested the 2605-foot Welch Mountain. This […]

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