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In the Sun

The Conway Daily Sun, that is, and we’re in it. We love free advertising and they handled our press release with kindness and I dare say, love. Nearly a quarter page, full-color, top-right position in the middle of the paper with one small insert to mark the middle. Awesome. Here’s what they posted: A new Mt Washington Valley mountain guiding agency opened its doors recently, figuratively […]

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Don’t Wait for the Movie…

Get the book instead. When it’s released, that is (spring, 2018). What book you ask? Well, we’re talking about a book we are sponsoring and will ultimately have a small role in, at least on the research front, and that book is: The White Mountain, 365 Days of Mischief and Adventure on Mt Washington, by renown travel writer and journalist Dan Szczesny (published by Hobblebush Books). […]

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Meet the Redline Team

This is the fine team that will be leading folks into the White Mountains this year. If you check out their bios we’re pretty sure you will quickly realize that whatever you’ll be doing with us this season, you will be in terrific hands. Safe and well-cared for by people who truly know their stuff. There will be more to come about these folks in the […]

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Suunto A-10 Compass Givaway

Putting this out there again since, historically, fall is the slowest time of the year for many things in the guide world, even for people scheduling wilderness navigation courses. We’d love to change this phenomena since fall is, ironically, the best time of the year to do this! The leaves drop and sightlines open up, there are fewer bugs, and it’s just a great time of […]

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The “Alpine Ready Pack” is Born

It is really worrisome when we see people on Mt Washington in the winter and they lack proper clothing, especially if they’re in a guided group. We wanted to make sure we’re never that group and have gone to great lengths to protect our clients from the sometimes unimaginable cold that grips that mountain and the winds that scour its barren tundra. It’s a small but […]

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Backcountry Medical Response

Every serious, quasi-regular hiker should have some level of first-aid knowledge. Specifically, unless you’re a guide and have your Wilderness First Responder (WFR) or Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician (WEMT) card, you should probably test for your Wilderness First Aid (WFA) card, to include Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation/Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (CPR/AED) training. This will empower you to better tend to yourself, others in your party, and anyone you may […]

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New Singles Pricing Tier

We’ve created a new site-wide pricing tier that should be appealing to anyone adventuring solo. Experimenting, if you will, we had tried to create a base price for our adventures and educational offerings that started with an “up to two people” price. While this price for up to two people was, and still is, competitive for the high quality services offered, it sort of excluded the […]

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Tough Mountain Choices

Go or no-go, that is the question. You’ve been hiking and climbing for hours. You’ve gotten to treeline. Now you have a choice to make. You hate to give up after all the time, effort, and money you’ve invested so far — which might also include air fare, hotels, even your coveted vacation time — but the conditions on the mountain are what we might call […]

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Launch Day

It’s like any other day, really. But the doors are open. We are ready to serve. We have some top-quality adventures to offer and our team’s collective in-depth knowledge of the area is impressive to say the least. We are also offering some excellent courses designed to help some folks get started while training others for their next big thing. Of special interest at this time, […]

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One Week to Go

We’ve had what is referred to in some circles as a “soft launch,” meaning we announced ourselves before our grand opening which is actually scheduled for October 17th — our hard launch. Between now and then, now that we are 99.8% complete with our to-do list, we are taking a break. Fully unplugged. In fact, we’re away right now! This blog entry was written a few […]

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Cindy and Edgar

If you didn’t know we offer wedding services, consider this news. Mike Cherim, owner/guide, and Redline Guiding’s Chief Cook and Bottle Washer, is also a New Hampshire Justice of the Peace. Well, tonight we had conducted our first-ever service for locals Cindy and Edgar. Our first wedding! Such an incredible feeling being part of something so special. It wasn’t a mountain-top or wilderness wedding, yet it […]

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Taking to the Winter Trails

The winter hiking season is just around the corner. Soon we will be pushing through slick leaves and the hazards they conceal — as if that isn’t dangerous enough — and almost immediately after that we will be making our way through snow, dealing with winter’s inherent dangers. As many prefer, actually. The walking, after all, is generally easier (unless you’re packing out a trail through […]

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