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Ready to Respond

We love it when our guides earn their Wilderness First Responder (WFR) credentials in backcountry medicine. That way they can perform a proper backcountry medical response should it ever be required. That’s what Redline Guide Deb Dunn just did, she re-certified after some time away from it. We’re here to help her celebrate. Deb traveled to Vermont for this SOLO class, but she told us it […]

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An Accidental Find

Serendipity said no to that… Our guest accidentally found us, then the accidents just kept right on happening. Well, maybe that’s not the best way to put it. They were all happy accidents (minus the knee, but we’ll get to that). The original plan was to traverse the Presidential Range, pick up a food cache in Crawford Notch, then continue on the Appalachian Trail through Zealand […]

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Jewell Up, Cog Down

This isn’t the first time we’ve done this: guided a one-way trip up the infamous Mt Washington. And, honestly, it’s a grand idea if you’re not counting mountains for some peak bagging list and don’t need to follow rules which would prohibit such activities. You hike up the mountain with a guide, then grab the Cog Railroad train for a ride down the mountain gaining both […]

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Classy at Cathedral

The location for this mountain wedding — a Whitehorse Ledge-facing slab of rock on Cathedral Ledge’s south end in North Conway, NH — was perfect. The weather was simply glorious, there was very little breeze, and the sun was chasing the horizon casting soft light onto the scene. The temperature was just right. Cold enough to allow everyone to dress formally yet warm enough for everyone’s […]

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White Mountain Variety Show

They came to us from lands to the south and to the west that are flatter. They weren’t unfamiliar with our offerings, but they knew what they knew only scratched the surface of what there is to know. They hired us to fill in some of the blanks. One-point-five days, they indicated, is what they had in their time budget. For now (they have promised to […]

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Extreme Navigation Class

Our guests wanted a trial by fire. To be thrown to the wolves, so to speak. Left to fend for themselves or to perish while trying… okay, okay, we’re exaggerating. They, did, however, mention the word “extreme.” But by this they really meant to make it real — to not hold back and offer a legitimate experience they could take to the bank for years to […]

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More Time in Maine

White Cap/Kennebago and Cupsuptic Snow — parts of the Rangely “Six Pack” — were needed by this frequently returning guest so he once again called on us to lend a hand, to serve as companion. On lead with him, as on previous trips, was Redline Guide Ken Hodges. The whole trip was fairly standard, no headlines so to speak, but it should be noted, the colors […]

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The Northern Presidentials

Our guest needed two of our taller 4000-footers — Mts Adams and Jefferson — for her list. We were there to help. Being that she already hiked Mt Madison on another excursion, this Northern Presidential traverse could be abbreviated at the start so Redline Guide Arlette Laan lead her up Valley Way. Perfect. So that’s what they did. Adams fell, and so did Jefferson. There was […]

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What is Your Why

Redline Guide Mike Maciel led these trips — a Bonds-Zealand Traverse and a day on the southern end of Franconia Ridge to summit two more 4000-footers, Liberty and Flume — and Mike also provided a nice summary of their time together in the wild. (Thank you, Mike.) So, without further ado, let’s embark on their journey together. A story of gain fueled by loss in the […]

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2020 Traveler’s Choice Award

We’re stoked to announce that we have received Trip Advisor’s “Traveler’s Choice Award” for 2020. Apparently this year isn’t all bad. According to Trip Advisor, this award means that Redline Guiding is the among the Top 10% of “Attractions” worldwide. (Lookout Disney World, we’re for gunning for your spot.) In all seriousness, this means that our guests love us, and we love them right back. It […]

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Classic Turned Full

When Redline Guide Nico Dubois “checked out” using our safety-focused online system early that morning, the email we received said he was going to lead the typical “Classic” north-to-south Presidential Traverse to Mt Pierce covering several “4000-footers.” And his “Plan B” was to tack on Jackson and maybe even Webster if our guest was feeling good. As it turns out, he was feeling great, so the […]

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Via Boott Spur… Because

One of the advantages to hiring a guide is that a guide often has years of experience hiking in the ranges in which they lead tours. So when it comes to knowing this thing or that, or what trails to take, or how to avoid crowds, or how to maximize the experience in one way, shape, or form, having a guide for a private tour (which […]

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