We love to hear the word “perfect” used to describe any of our adventures, and often they really are and we really do indeed get that awesome feedback. This latest hike fell into that category and was so-described by our oft-returning guest. She wanted a Goldilocks-sort of hike. Not too technical, not too exposed, not too long, but not too short. A relaxing day with rewards worthy of the required effort. Something just right. This time leading was Redline Guide Mike Cherim and he was able to secure all of these adjectives while finding the time to serve some hot Thai tea while they lounged in surprisingly warm January sun. This was a private hike so the typical summit shots and whatnot will not be displayed. Instead we offer these photos which at least support the weather perfection.

That sky, that snow, those trees.

Lovely snowy section.

The swamp.

Great views.

What a day.

The air is sparkly and alive with wind blown snow. Love it.
Well done, team, and thanks again for adventuring with Redline Guiding.