Having a close friend or family member who is a strong, skilled hiker with myriad related outdoor skills and specialized gear at the ready just in case things don’t go as planned is awesome. Literally a would-be life-saver. But if you don’t, you still have us. More and more we find ourselves being that close friend. Obviously we do this professionally so we can’t settle for just a post-hike burger, beer, and gas money, but we have been there for others nonetheless. A lot: Leading backpacking trips into Wilderness areas, navigating New England Hundred Highest peaks like the ones featured here, the more remote or more challenging 4000-footers, Terrifying 25 Trails like Huntington Ravine. Mt Katahdin’s peaks and the Brothers. It’s catching on.
What follows are a few photos from Redline Guide Ken Hodges‘ most recent trip leading a single guest who wishes to remain private to White Cap (3655′) then Kennebago Divide (3776′). Followed by an attempt on Boundary Peak (3855′) which was foiled due to a bow hunting season closure. Interestingly, Ken learned from a local ranger that Boundary Peak is the highest mountain on the US/Canadian border east of Montana. After that effort, they went on to summit East Kennebago (3789’). This is just part of a multi trip effort — one that’s still in progress. Stay tuned!

The rigors of backcountry travel or Jeep proving ground?

Ken at White Cap summit.

Incredible color. bright even under an overcast.

The threat of rain. They experienced drizzle, but only saw a small amount of actual precipitation.

Country roads, take me home.

Bear den!

A path forms in places.

Ken on the E. Kennebago summit.

The canister/register system. Classic New England.
Great lead so far, Ken, well done Team! Thanks for choosing Redline Guiding.