She had two more peaks to go to complete her New Hampshire 48 4000-footers list: Owl’s Head and Isolation. Due to the distance and general remoteness of these peaks, combined with a minor mishap on Adams, she decided hiring a guide as a companion to be a sound idea. We begin with Owl’s Head. On point for this hike was Redline Guide Arlette Laan (whom we’re told is awesome) and together they made it happen. Now we’re in the process of scheduling her finish on Mt Isolation. Here are a few photos of their trip, courtesy of Arlette.

It begins here.

Approaching Black Pond. Owl’s Head in the background looking pointy from this angle.

8 miles of easy followed by one mile of WOW.

Making progress and earning those….

…unique views of the east side of Franconia Ridge.

Boom! Number 47 in the books.

The Dynamic Duo hamming for the cam!

They descend with great care. You have to make it back to count it.

Crossing with care on the way out.
Well done, Arlette, and fine job team for getting it done! Thanks for choosing Redline Guiding.