These two… quite the team.
Mountain One: Waumbek, 4006′
Howard decided it would be best for the team to take on Mt Waumbek on the first day since it is the more demanding of the two hikes. We felt it was a wise choice. He noted the following and provided the photos which follow.
It was a gorgeous sunny fall day with mid-winter temps, as our guest, Monica, and I set out to climb Mt Waumbek. We started our 7.2 mile hike at 9:07 and finished at 2:15. In between, we had some great views, and Monica bagged her 35th 4000-footer. So I would say it was a fantastic day in the mountains. —Howard

Starr King Trail… seems familiar.

Our bright and smiling guest.

Making way in winter temps.

The classic fireplace shot…

…near the Starr King summit.

Wow. Simply stunning vista from the Mt Starr King outlook.

The final push to the top.

The Waumbek summit. Congratulations!

This gorgeous view available just beyond the Waumbek summit for those who like to explore.
Mountain Two: Tecumseh, 4003′
After day one’s amazing hike, day two will have to pretty awesome to top it. Sounds like it was indeed a contender after reading the summary below and seeing the lovely photos.
Guiding our guest, Monica, we climbed Mt Tecumseh for her 36th 4000-footer. It was a beautiful fall day for hiking, with partly to mostly sunny skies, and temps in the high 20s. There was no wind to speak of. We were done in less than four hours. Number 36 out of 48 for Monica. What a great way to spend a weekend. —Howard

Starting out at Waterville Valley.

Just dry leaves to start.

It’s going well. A great day in the making. Look at that smile!

Monica managing the stream crossing.

Stone steps lead the way.

Pausing to take it all in.

In the clear…

…at the top. Congratulations.

Redline Guide Howard Aronson here at the Tecumseh summit outlook.

The team taking a back-to-the-car selfie.
Congratulations Monica on getting two more done! And good job leading, Howard! A true mountain professional.