Patches of experience, most notably in NY.
Monica’s a capable and experienced hiker and has trekked extensively in the Adirondaks and Catskills of New York, just note the patches on her pack (inset). So it begs the question, why hire a guide? Someone, in fact, asked this very question. The answer is a simple one. From us she wanted our organization, our expertise, and our companionship. And this is something we find more and more people doing. Guiding experienced hikers. Some hoping to learn, improve their craft, or up their game, so to speak. Some want to explore their limits. Others are merely seeking a knowledgeable and experienced companion. We are there. After all, guiding hikers to our higher summits is a proud tradition in the Whites spanning hundreds of years — as soon as folks figured out the mountains weren’t “daunting terrible” but we’re instead “sublime.” We are happy to do our part in keeping this tradition alive.
Working on her New England 111 list (that is the 111 tallest peaks in New England and New York), Monica is naturally grabbing the 48 4000-foot summits in New Hampshire. Next up, Carrigain. Like many of our other guests, we expect she will visit with us a lot. It’s our pleasure. Today was our pleasure. The clouds and sun duked it out all morning making for some interesting skies, albeit limiting our extended views. The clouds also kept things cool. Cool enough to want a hot drink at the summit, yet warm enough when out of the light breezes to want to linger for a bit and drink our drink. Pretty sure that’s referred to as perfect. As these photos may reveal.

First real break, Kettles Rock on our way up Caps Ridge Trail. L-R: guide Howard, guest Monica, guide Mike.

The first of the famed “Caps” on the Ridge of Caps. Ominous and cool at the same time.

The approach to the first Cap affords hikers an early opportunity to test their mettle — a bit.

One perspective showing the relative steepness in this fun section.

Progress in the clouds.

Rising out of the mist.

New Hampshire rocks! We agree.

We offer Monica the honor of leading the final stretch. Well done!

Congratulations Monica. With Mt Jefferson in the books, you’re one mountain closer.

The magic happens here. Coffee, tea, hot cocoa anyone?

Lovely spot to enjoy a hot beverage. A proper break.

Down bound. We make great time here, too.

Ahh. The stunning views of the Monticello Lawn stretching out to the south us.

We drop into clouds but make a speedy exit.
What an excellent day in the mountains.