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Monthly Archives: July 2021

Classic One-Day Presi

There are several hikes in the White Mountain National Forest that are considered super-tough, extended day (added charge), ironman-esque, super hikes, if you will. For example, the “Pemi Loop,” the “Bonds,” the “Mahoosuc Traverse,” even the “Kilkenny Traverse.” One, the “Classic Presidential Traverse” — going from Mt Madison to Mt Pierce (or visa-versa) — is also right up there. Some will take two, three, even four […]

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Alpine Guide Course

Over the past nine days Redline Guide Ryan McGuire took a hiatus from guiding in Washington State to continue his professional development and move one step closer to being a card-carrying, fully certified Alpine Guide through the American Mountain Guide Association (AMGA). The Rocky Mountains in Colorado were a perfect venue for Ryan’s training. Ryan reports that was a heavy focus on short-roping and short-pitching on […]

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Hamlin Peak is #99

Hamlin Peak of Mt Katahdin is number 99/100 for our oft-returning guest working on his New England Hundred Highest. There all along has been Redline Guide Ken Hodges, helping out, showing the way, keeping things safe and simple. Baxter Peak (also Mt Katahdin), Coe, Fort, and North and South Brother, all done, Hamlin Peak (4756′) was the last hold out in Baxter State Park. The Rangeley […]

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LGBTQIA+ Backpacking Trip

Not long ago we announced a special outing in honor of and in support to the LGBTQIA+ community. The event wasn’t as well-received as we had hoped, but we did have two people join the party. In lead for this trip, due to some unfortunate turnover, was Redline Guide Will Murphy. As it turned out, Will was a great choice for this making a fine impression […]

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Real Forever

From the Foo Fighters song the couple requested, Everlong, this line stands out: “If everything could ever feel this real forever.” We get that. It’s best day of a couple’s lives and it raises that bar pretty high. Without further ado, please enjoy this video of their wedding, made and shared with the couple’s blessings — including the humorous bit where it’s realized that the groom […]

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Midwest Back East

We will often ask a zillion questions, probe and prod, all for the sake of trying to learn the vibe of the day and gain an understanding of the experience through the eyes of our guides and guests. The purpose of which is to capture that vibe in words, photos, and even video sometimes. Other times, however, it’s better and easier to let our guides tell […]

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No Bears in Baxter

Debby “Bear Repellent” Roberts has been working on this thing for thirty years — and us helping for a while — not intentionally setting out to ever do the whole thing, however, as you’ll learn in the video. This is a longish one so make yourself comfortable, but what else could possibly come from a video featuring the Appalachian Trail (AT), right? This segment took place […]

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Black Cap at Dawn

Before the sun and the birds, before the bugs, the dawn provides a fresh canvas on which to paint a new day. One might ask: “What shall we do today?” Hiking is an option. So is getting married. It’s nice out. We may as well do both, such as this mountain wedding atop Black Cap (elv. 2369′). This special event was officiated by Redline Guide and […]

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She Persevered to the End

Sometimes our guests provide us with some insights to how they were feeling at a particular time during their adventure. What thoughts ran into their heads, for example, as they clawed their way up our sometimes-thought-of-as-difficult hiking trails. Sometimes we like to share these thoughts with our readers, with permission from our guests, of course. Willey was number 18 for me, The ladders, well, the only […]

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Two Days of Hiking

A California couple checking out our neck of the woods was looking for a couple days of hiking and found us through the concierge at the River Walk Resort at Loon Mountain — thank you! It was very short notice but we were able to accommodate this couple and their dog. We lead two trips. The first was on the Welch-Dickey Loop and that was led […]

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Zealand Notch Backpack

After meeting at our Basecamp to make sure the Backpacking Ready Packs were all squared away and everyone was set, the team caravanned to the Willey House at the foot of the Kedron Flume Trail and spotted a car. From there they carpooled to the Zealand Trail trailhead to begin their three day, two night backpacking adventure. We will let the video tell the story, but […]

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Glen Ellis Wedding

They considered moving locations, the rain was a terrible threat. They almost opted for a back-up location we suggested — the covered Swift River Bridge in Conway. Almost. Redline Guide and Justice of the Peace Mike Cherim suggested they don’t be too hasty in their decision. His reasoning: “Well,” he said, “There’ll be fewer people in the rain, no bugs, and the falls should be even […]

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